Killer B Week

No quizzo Monday due to the holiday. Otherwise it’s business as usual. BUT I am looking for some theme ideas for the summer. So go to our IG or to our Facebook and enter your ideas for theme weeks. We’ve already selected “Killer Bs” as this week’s topic. I’ll start getting a calendar together for the other weeks this summer and let y’all know what it is later this week.


Founding Fathers 8 PM

Redcrest Kitchen 8 PM


Fringe Bar 7 PM

Dock Street 8 PM


Deli at Dwell 7 PM

Pizzata 8 PM

Quizzo This Week

A big week of quizzin’ coming up. Seven different locations for you to play the best quiz in town. And yes, the Wednesday quiz at Dock Street will have the Sixers game on. Hope to see ya this week!


Loco Pez 7 PM


Founding Fathers 8 PM

Redcrest Kitchen 8 PM


Fringe Bar 7 PM

Dock Street 8 PM


Deli at Dwell 7 PM

Pizzata 8 PM

Win over $750 Worth of Prizes in the 19th Annual Bracket-Tacular!

Hard to believe, but we’re back it for the 19th season! I’ve since turfed it over to Shibe Sports, so if you want to fill out your brackets, you can do so here. It’s free to play, everyone who enters gets 25% off anything at Shibe, AND the prizes are great:

  • 1st place – A year’s supply of shirts! We send you 12 t-shirts from Shibe Sports! ($400 value) 
  • 2nd place – Bowman Chrome “U” Hobby Box college basketball cards courtesy of Wheelhouse Cards ($200 value)
  • 3rd place – $50 Founding Fathers Gift Card & Villanova Champion Brand hoodie
  • 4th Place – $25 Founding Fathers Gift Card 
  • 50th place – $50 Shibe Gift Card
  • 100th place – Palestra Word Art Print

New Quiz This Week

First week at Redcrest Kitchen was a success! Mike will be back there this week. We’ll also watch occasional quizzo player Celeste DiNucci on Monday night at Loco Pez as she makes her return to Jeopardy. Nine different places to quiz! Hope to see ya this week!


Loco Pez 7 PM


Founding Fathers 8 PM

Redcrest Kitchen 8 PM


Fringe Bar 7 PM

Dock Street 8 PM


Deli at Dwell 7 PM

Pizzata 8 PM

Whattya Say We Quiz Online Again?

Hey there, gang, wanted to look into maybe running some online quizzes again. I know we have a lot of teams who love to quiz but can’t get out to the bars anymore. So why not take the weekly quiz online? I’m gonna host it Thursday, February 29th at 8 PM and see how it goes…$30 a team, I’ll be hosting, let’s have some fun with it. (If you play at the bars that week, you can’t play the online quiz). If you’re interested, sign up here and pay me on venmo at @jgtquizzo. See ya then!

Quizzo Bowl Round Two and Three

Round Two was a picture round. Here’s how it worked; you had to tell me the name of the celebrity AND whether they were from Kansas City or San Fran. Click here to see the pics. (Answers below.)

Round Three was supposed to be Reef hosting a Rap Round. But Reef’s son had his Little League football banquet Sunday, so he had to bow out. For some reason, I thought it would be funny if Reef filled in for him, so I reached out. It was funny all right. Fergie set the roof on fire, riffing and ranting and raving hilariously for the full round. Anyway, here’s Round Three:

Round Three Rap Round General trivia questions, but all of the answers will have a rapper’s name in them. So for instance, if I said “Add this to Lemonade to make an Arnold Palmer,” you’d write down “Ice-T”.

1. This is also called the malleus.

2. John Dillinger was known as this. 

3. A male mallard is known as this. 

4. The Whiskey Ball is really just a large one of these. 

5. One is a mineral, the other is a spice. The spice is often replaced in Hungary by paprika. 

6. According to the American Kennel Club, these are called American Staffordshire Terriers. 

7. In 1513, Juan Ponce De Leon became the first European to make landfall here. 

8. This is considered inevitable due to the existence of time and the laws of physics.


  1. Ansel Adams, San Fran
  2. Janelle Monae, Kansas City
  3. Cheryl Burke, San Fran
  4. Eric Stonestreet, Kansas City
  5. Margaret Cho, San Fran
  6. Joe DiMaggio, San Fran
  7. Jean Harlow, KC
  8. Kate Spade, KC


1. This is also called the malleus.


2. John Dillinger was known as this. 

Public Enemy #1

3. A male mallard is known as this. 


4. The Whiskey Ball is really just a large one of these. 

Ice Cube 

5. One is a mineral, the other is a spice. The spice is often replaced in Hungary by paprika. 

Salt n Pepa 

6. According to the American Kennel Club, these are called American Staffordshire Terriers. 


7. In 1513, Juan Ponce De Leon became the first European to make landfall here. 

Flo Rida 

8. This is considered inevitable due to the existence of time and the laws of physics.


Quizzo Bowl Questions: Round One

An amazing night on Sunday at Yards! After a stirring rendition of the “Quizzo Bowl Polka” by me and Fastball Bob, it was time to introduce our guest host for Round One: Lil’ Ace Goodtimes. He did extremely well on the mic with his round, “Are You Smarter Than This 4th Grader?” Here’s the questions (and answers below) for Round One. I’ll post some more Quizzo Bowl Questions throughout the week.

1. I love riddles. This one is one of my favorites: What gets wet while it dries? 

2. I love this 1820 short story, which is partially based on the Irish legend of the Dullahan. 

3. Which state is directly south of Iowa?

4. My favorite video game has spinoffs that include Earth, Dungeons, and Legends. What is it?

***5. (Oh my goodness. Sounds like question number five is going to be a weekly double. Questions number five will be worth…2 points!) The public school I attend is named after Abraham Lincoln’s Secretary of War. What is it?

6. My favorite sport is ultimate frisbee. What is the 5-letter word for making a forehand throw?

7. My favorite show is about a blue jay named Mordecai and a raccoon named Rigby. What show  is it? 

8. I was born in December of 2013, two weeks after this Disney film was released that would make over a billion dollars at the box office. What movie is it?


1. I love riddles. This one is one of my favorites: What gets wet while it dries? 

A towel

2. I love this 1820 short story, which is partially based on the Irish legend of the Dullahan.

Legend of Sleepy Hollow 

3. Which state is directly south of Iowa?


4. My favorite video game has spinoffs that include Earth, Dungeons, and Legends. What is it?


***5. The public school I attend is named after Abraham Lincoln’s Secretary of War. What is it?

Edwin Stanton 

6. My favorite sport is ultimate frisbee. What is the 5-letter word for making a forehand throw?


7. My favorite show is about a blue jay named Mordecai and a raccoon named Rigby. What is it?

Regular Show  

8. I was born in December of 2013, two weeks after this Disney film was released that would make over one billion dollars at the box office. What is it?


Quizzo Bowl FAQs

We’re sold out! At least for now, there could be a few tickets opened up (see below). But as of now we’re booked.

WHO: Teams of up to 8 players.

WHAT: Quizzo Bowl XVIII, the Grandaddy of Them All.

WHEN: This Sunday, February 4th. Doors at 3 PM, show starts at 4 PM.

WHERE: Yards Brewing, on 5th and Spring Garden.

WHY: Why not?

WILL THERE BE LIVE MUSIC? Yep, Philly’s pre-eminent polka band, Polkadelphia, is going to be rocking the house all evening.


IS THERE A THEME? Not really, it’s a general quiz. I’d expect a few questions about beer, in one form or another. Music round will be live. 6 rounds overall, 48 questions.

QUICK REQUEST: Team captains, please fill in this form, so we know what teams are attending. We’ll also see if there are any more tables available for potential extra attendees. Also, if your team got tickets but you were unable to before it sold out, please shoot me a line at johnny at johnnygoodtimes dot com and we’ll see if there’s anything we can do.

WHAT ELSE? I’m requesting that everyone wear polka dots. And Fastball Bob will be there. Best of all, Chip Chantry will NOT be there. It’s a win-win.

WHAT HAPPENS IF WE WIN? You enter the Realm of Immortals. In 17 previous years, we’ve had 8 different winners. Could your team be the 9th? Previous winners are:

  • The Champs
  • Sofa Kingdom
  • Lambda
  • Guys in Prison
  • Cracked Pact
  • Meatloaf
  • Boyz II Menehune
  • The Special Masters

PRIZES? Yep, we’ll be doing raffles and giveaways all night long. Plus $1000 worth of prizes for the top 3 finishers. And a prize for 13th place. Oh and a trophy for the winner. With flames on it.

EVENT PAGE: Here’s the Facebook page for the Quizzo Bowl. Will be the best place for up to the minute info on the Bowl as we get closer, and for attendees to post photos when we’re done.

WILL THERE BE AN AFTERPARTY? I think so. Still working on it, should know something soon.