You Write the Questions Round

I know how good you nerds are at answering questions. Let’s see how good you are at writing them. Here’s how it works: Send me a message on facebook or by sending me an email ( with 1-3 trivia questions in it. I will take the best 10 questions I receive (no more than one per team) to make up the wild card round tomorrow night. They can be on any topic. Just send me a message with the questions and your team name. Let’s see what you got.

Five Cool Things We Learned This Week


  • Barbie dolls were based on an “adult” gag gift in Germany known as a Bild Lilli doll. “Early fashions are noted for their particular seductive design. Originally this doll had been produced as an advertisement gag for adults.” In 1956, an American woman named Ruth Handler, whose husband was one half of the Mattel ownership team, went to Germany on vacation. She came across the Bild Lilli doll, purchased three, and gave one to her daughter, whose name was Barbie. Her daughter loved the toy, and Mattel decided to take a chance on the first adult doll for kids. Needless to say, it paid off handsomely.

The Craziest Week of Quizzo Ever? It’s Quite Possible

Sex, Drugs, and Rock n Roll Week seemed to change everything. The Jams, Duane’s World, Steak Em Up, and L. Ron’s Diabetics all lost. (Thus confirming every stereotype you have about the relationship between nerds and sex, drugs, and rock ‘n’ roll.) Two teams won while playing their very first quizzo (7 Boobs and My Grandfather was Scottish), while the Mister Lippers won their 2nd quizzo ever.

Meanwhile, things are nuts over on the Facebook Physical Challenge Board, as people seem to have lots of pictures with themselves next to statues for some reason. If you want to score some physical challenge points, I highly suggest a trip over to facebook. You have until Monday to get a photo up of you in front of a statue.

And as if things weren’t crazy enough, Mom and Her Sun finished last at the Rendezvous, meaning I was able to capture the photo above, believed to be the first photo in world history of two black guys holding a Michael Bolton CD. They told me they were going to be blasting him on their car stereo all summer long.

I do expect things to return to some semblance of normal next week. Rejoice nerds…it’s going to be Humanities and Science week.

This is Great

The team above at City Tap House had the team name Johnny Depp Ain’t Got S*** on Michael Bolton. Incredibly, in the 4th round of this week’s quiz, there was a question, “In 1983, Laura Branigan had a hit with this song How Am I Supposed to Live W/o You? Who had a hit with that same song in 1989?” The correct answer was Michael Bolton. They got it wrong.

Schedule for Quizzo Bowl

worldcafeThis is a rough schedule. We could go a little long, we could go a little short. Count on more or less 3 hours. Yeah, I know it’s longer than your normal quiz…but this ain’t your normal quiz. Relax, it’s Saturday night.

Also, very important: we are starting at 8 p.m. real time, not 8 p.m. JGT time. Teams of 4 or less, please be there no later than 7:30! We need to get smaller teams organized into larger teams, and the earlier we can get that done the better. That will be a great help in having us start on time. If you are a team of 6 or less, you will almost certainly


7 p.m. Doors
8 p.m. Opening Number (There will be no rapping or dancing during this portion of the program.)
8:10 Quizzo Bowl begins.
8:25 End of Round One, Haulin Oats takes the stage
8:40 Haulin Oats finishes, Round two begins
9:00 Round Two ends, Intermission
9:10 Angry Man Bing Supernova
9:15 Magician Norm Klar
9:35 Round 3 begins
9:50 Round 3 ends, Haulin Oats plays
10:05 p.m. Haulin Oats finishes, Round Four begins
10:20 Round Four ends, Haulin Oats begins
10:35 Haulin Oats ends, Scores announced
10:50 Show over.
11:15 Afterparty at City Tap House

Celeste DiNucci Beats Watson, Gets Crushed at Quizzo

celesteThe world of trivia is a strange one indeed. Some of you may remember Celeste DiNucci, who won $250,000 on Jeopardy a few years ago. Well, she was one of the contestants who was invited back to take on Watson, the IBM computer that will be appearing on Jeopardy starting tonight. Though her match with Watson was not televised, she did receive an award (above) for knocking him off. And she gets major badass points for doing so while wearing a John Henry shirt.

Not long after knocking off Watson however, she ran into the buzzsaw that was the Adam Sandler round at quizzo. I think we’ve found Celeste’s weakness. After crashing hard in the Sandler round, her team finished last at O’Neals. And so, not long after earning an award for knocking off the most advanced trivia computer in the world, she won some Double Platinum Wild Honey blunt rolling papers for finishing last at O’Neals (below). I don’t think blunt rolling papers are ever a prize on Jeopardy. That said, she’ll have a shot to redeem herself this Saturday…rumor has it she’s putting a kickass team together for Quizzo Bowl.


Eric Stoltz in Back to the Future

Last week’s question of the week was, “Who originally played McFly in Back to the Future?” The answer was obviously Eric Stoltz. Unfortunately, there is very little Stoltz as McFly footage out there. Here is a short splice of the footage that has been released. The only place where I see Stoltz make any reference to it is in this short interview about it. On Thursday I had a round about actors who were initally offered major roles but turned them down. Here is a site that I got some of my info from, including Robert Deniro as the star of BIG.

Quizzo News and Notes

Picture 1Several things to look forward to in the next few weeks. First of all, big Quizzo Bowl announcements coming next week. Venue and band will both be revealed. Also, I am still looking for sponsors. If anyone is interested in donating either prizes or having their name on the marquee, so to speak, shoot me a line. This is gonna be a great event with about 300 people in attendance, and website activity always shoots up around Quizzo Bowl time. All I ask is that you don’t spell the event “Quzzo Bowl” on the banners.

Also, in case you were unaware, me and a crew of geeks are heading back out to Denver at the end of the month. The Denverites ripped Philly a few months ago. Well, I’ve been working on a battle rap since. It’s finally written, and hope to get the video done and up by early next week. I’m not sure Denver and the surrounding suburbs will ever recover from the verbal assault I am about to launch.

As for regular quizzo next week, Mike Minion’s got a pretty interesting quiz going down at the Westbury on Monday. The entire quizzes topic is Sex, Drugs, and Rock ‘n’ Roll, and in addition to the questions Mike will have some rock music to give away at the quiz. (After checking with our lawyers, we discovered that he is not allowed to give away either sex or drugs at the quiz, however.) As for my quiz, another week of the unusual insanity, plus more Face Off, where some players win within seconds, and others get booed after blowing easy questions, such as the players  involved in this exchange at the Rendezvous…Q: How does Humpty Hump like his oatmeal? Player 1: Runny Me: No Player 2: Extra Thick? Me: No, lumpy. Humpty likes it Lumpy. Crowd: Booooo!

Anyhow, I hope everyone has a great weekend and we’ll see ya next week!