This year I want to raise the game a little bit, so let’s experiment. And since everybody has had such a great experience at Yards these past two Quizzo Bowls, it’s the perfect place to try something new. Let’s get crazy. On March 9th, we’re gonna be joined by a Philly legend, the one and only Kenn Kweder. He’ll be performing between rounds AND performing the live music round. SIGN UP HERE!
WHO: All quizzo enthusiasts, from Far and Wide. Teams of up to 8 players, to be specific.
WHAT: The Yards Quizzo Cup, the first in what we hope will be a monthly series. So what does that mean? It means that the winning team wins an actual cup (below) that will then be held above the bar at Yards with their team name, to let the world know of your cerebral superiority. And yes, you’ll be able to drink out of the cup after you win. (We’ll be sure to wash it before April’s Cup, lol)

WHEN: Sunday, March 9th. Doors at 2 PM, show starts at 3 PM.
WHY: Why not?
IS THIS LIKE A REGULAR QUIZ? Nope, we’re adding an extra round of quizzo goodness, a live music round, and did I mention your win will be honored with a gorgeous silver cup?
WILL THERE BE LIVE MUSIC? Yep! The legendary Kenn Kweder will be performing between rounds.
PRIZES? Yep, we’ll be doing raffles and giveaways all night long. Plus prizes for the top two finishers. And of course a prize for last.
COST: Just $10 a head, or $60 a team. Just sign up here, and pay me via venmo (you can pay day of the event if that’s easier). 10% of all ticket sales will be donated to the Poor People’s Army.
THIS SOUNDS AWESOME. WHERE DO I SIGN UP? You can sign up here. Look forward to seeing you on March 9th!