Quizzo This Week

For the love of almighty God please vote for Kamala on Tuesday if you haven’t already. As far as how that affects quizzo: as of now, I’m going to host at Founding Fathers during commercial breaks. So it will be a bit choppy but it will make the first two hours of election returns fun instead of anxiety-ridden. At Redcrest, Mike’s going to experiment with some election bingo…looks like fun.

The rest of the week is on as normal. At Clarkville we’re offering up a pizza and a beer for $20, and the winners walk with a $75 gift card. It’s a pretty sweet deal. As far as virtual quizzing goes, you’ll be happy to know that Carl is returning this week, as I have been relegated to the bench.

And the holidays are coming…if you’d like to have me host your corporate event, birthday party, or even holiday party at your house, we can do it. Just shoot us a line here with details and we’ll send you an estimate.

Look forward to seeing ya this week!


Clarkville 7 PM


Two Locals 6 PM

Founding Fathers 8:30 PM

Redcrest Kitchen 8:30 PM


Fringe Bar 7 PM

Virtual Quiz 8 PM


Deli at Dwell 7 PM

Pizzata 8 PM

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