Autumn Invitational Update

Here are the scores after Week 1. This does not take into account Monday or Tuesday of this week, or the physical challenges.

This Invite is gonna be a good one. It’s going to be in November at City Tap House in November 18th. In addition to our normal frivolity, we’re also going to be defending Philly’s honor…we’re going to be going head to head with several other cities in the first ever Tycho Brahe Cup. We’re gonna honor one of the most eccentric nerds in world history with a trophy that will be awarded to the top city. More details on the event soon, but just know this…you won’t just be playing this season for your team’s honor, but for the city’s honor. And to do so, you must earn an invite.If you’re looking to score some points and get in the mix, head on over to the facebook page for the latest physical challenge.

Young at Heart Week Kicks Off Tonight

Young at Heart quiz begins tonight. Questions about cartoons, toys, famous kids and teens, and sickly sweet cereal and candy, among other things.

Action kicks off at North Star at 7 p.m. If you want to earn points in the JGTAI (and you do, with the announcement I’ll have coming later this week), this is the place to play. There are no stud teams at the North Star. Furthermore, things have been a bit slow there lately, so tonight, I’m giving away the house. I’ll have several sets of concert tickets to give away (show of your choice at the North Star), I’ll be buying brewskis and even fries as we play Name That Tune. So come on out tonight and odds are you’ll win something. Bring a good enough team, and it’ll be the whole freaking quiz. Also, half off mussels and hummus, and $3 Kenzingers. That’s a tough deal to beat.

On to the Sidecar at 9:15 p.m. The Sidecardigans are the Kings of the Hill there, but they fell last week. Can you knock them off? See ya tonight!

All New Quizzo Tonight; Autumn Invitational Overview

All New quiz tonight at the Rendezvous and Black Sheep. We start at the Vous at 6:15 p.m. $3 Saranac Pumpkin Pints and $2 Hamm’s cans. On to the Black Sheep at 8 p.m., where the Blazing Sea Nuggets will try to defend their title.

As for the Autumn INvitational, if there are some of you who are new to the concept, basically how it works is this: we’ll go for 8 weeks. After 8 weeks, the top 15 teams will earn an invite to the Big Event. At the big event, we’ll have live music, lots of prizes, and a chance to become a legend. That is tentatively scheduled for November 18th. (I’ll let you know when it’s official). To score points, you get 5 points for a first place finish, 3 points for 2nd, and 1 for 3rd. I’ll also have some physical challenges up on facebook in the next couple of weeks to earn bonus points.


Autumn Invitational Starts Tonight

We kick it off at North STar at 7 p.m., then move to Sidecar at 9:15. Gonna be a good old fashioned quiz tonight, but we will have some theme weeks this season, so if anyone has any theme week ideas let me know. I’ll give you a date and a place for the Big Event soon. I spoke with the Crowd Pleasers the other night about being our house band again, so hopefully we can make that happen.

Also, yes I still have to post last week’s winners. Friday I had a video shoot with the Philadelphia Union, and then this weekend I was working on the Arrested Development quiz. Today I gotta write questions and my column, so the photos will go up tomorrow. Sorry about that. A hectic week last week.

Arrested Development Quiz!

Here’s a little something to get you excited as you head into the final weekend of summer: we’re gonna do an Arrested Development quiz next Sunday, September 9th at the Trestle Inn (11th and Callowhill). Action starts at 8 p.m. More details coming next week, but just thought I’d whet your appetite. We’re gonna have such a Funke good time, you’ll think you just blue yourself!