Leonardo da Vinci: Scatterbrained Procrastinator

“Dimmi, dimmi se mai fu fatta cosa alcuna.” (“Tell me, tell me if anything ever got done.”) -an anguished Leonardo da Vinci, on his deathbed, thinking that he was going to die having accomplished nothing.

Lately, I’ve started doing some reading on da Vinci. One surprising thing that came to my attention is that the smartest man to ever live and myself do have something in common (besides totally bitchin’ beards). If you wile away much of your life reading people’s facebook walls to avoid dealing with your cable bill and have a million unfinished projects, you probably have something in common with da Vinci too:  he was  a hopeless procrastinator whose scattered brain sent him off in a hundred different directions, resulting in a lot started but not a lot finished. This from neuronarrative:

Part of what made Leonardo such a “Renaissance Man” was that he was distractible as he was talented. Jacob Bronowski, the scientific historian, speaks about his procrastination. “His talents and energy were often wasted in doodles and unfinished projects. The Last Supper was only finished after his patron threatened to cut off all funds. Mona Lisa took twenty years to complete.  The Adoration of the Magi, an early painting, was never finished and his equestrian projects were never built.”

I’d be lying if I said it didn’t make me feel better about the movie script I wrote 15 years ago and sent to a grand total of one movie agent. Or the 3 stage plays I have half finished. Or the dozens of notebooks in my house filled with half formed ideas. This from an excellent column in Psychology Evolution:

Leonardo rarely completed any of the great projects that he sketched in his notebooks. His groundbreaking research in human anatomy resulted in no publications – at least not in his lifetime. Not only did Leonardo fail to realize his potential as an engineer and a scientist, but he also spent his career hounded by creditors to whom he owed paintings and sculptures for which he had accepted payment but – for some reason – could not deliver, even when his deadline was extended by years. His surviving paintings amount to no more than 20, and five or six, including the “Mona Lisa,” were still in his possession when he died. Apparently, he was still tinkering with them.

I highly encourage the above article by the way, as it then deals with the history of procrastination, and why the fact that procrastination is seen as a terrible thing is a very flawed Western belief. And it makes sense. Had da Vinci taken his Ritalin and “focused” he might have been a very proficient anatomist, possibly even a doctor. He may have made a lot of money instead of being constantly on the run from creditors.

But that would have meant no Mona Lisa, no doodling of helicopters (I’m sure he beat himself up over “wasting his time” on that preposterous idea), no solar panels, no discoveries in geometry, no discovery of plate tectonics. And in fact his wandering mind helped him tremendously at times. Had he not wandered off into optics, he probably would have never created the spectacularly shaded smile on Mona Lisa, which would then be just another painting of a woman. Here’s some more insight from the above article.

If creative procrastination, selectively applied, prevented Leonardo from finishing a few commissions – of minor importance when one is struggling with the inner workings of the cosmos – then only someone who is a complete captive of the modern cult of productive mediocrity that pervades the workplace, particularly in academe, could fault him for it.

Productive mediocrity requires discipline of an ordinary kind. It is safe and threatens no one. Nothing will be changed by mediocrity; mediocrity is completely predictable…Mediocrity is the opposite of what we call “genius.” Mediocrity gets perfectly mundane things done on time. But genius is uncontrolled and uncontrollable. You cannot produce a work of genius according to a schedule or an outline. As Leonardo knew, it happens through random insights resulting from unforeseen combinations. Genius is inherently outside the realm of known disciplines and linear career paths.

For those of us with hopelessly scattered brains, who dream longingly of a day with “a place for everything, and everything in its place”, this is a refreshing realization in a world built on quick results and corporate-style organization. It doesn’t give us an excuse to further procrastinate (Don’t worry, we’ll find another excuse), but it reminds us that a scattered brain isn’t the worst thing in the world, or something that we should constantly beat ourselves up over (My scatterbrained brothers and sisters out there know what I am talking about. “How the hell did I write that check out to Comcast and then forget to mail it in! I’m a moron!”)

Needless to say, this doesn’t mean that we are anywhere near da Vinci’s ballpark in terms of intellect or creativity. We aren’t even tailgating outside that ballpark. But it does mean that the fact that our mind goes in a million directions at once is not necessarily a weakness, and is sometimes perhaps even a strength. It means that da Vinci probably put his keys down somewhere absurd while in the midst of some crazed daydream, and spent untold hours searching the house for them as he cursed himself. And it means that a man we all look up to as a superior being was as human as us and, like many of us, as frustrated with his flaws as he was proud of his accomplishments. For someone like myself who is constantly at odds with himself over his scattered brain, his ability to lose things, and his procrastination habits, that is no small consolation.

JGT Power Rankings Return

Well, here they are, the return of the JGT Power Rankings.

1. Duane’s World (Black Sheep). A 12-point win at the Invitational, followed by a blowout victory at the Black Sheep on Wednesday. On a roll.

2. Jesters of Tortuga (CTH/Bards). Fall by double digits at Invitational, then do so again at Bards on Thursday. Like the Phils, you have to wonder if age is becoming a factor. This just isn’t the team we saw in 2008.

3. The Jams (Rendezvous). 2 wins in past 4 weeks, plus a 3rd place finish at Invitational, puts the Jams in the #3 spot.

4. Always Finishes 4th (North Star). Appropriately enough, two straight wins after two straight 2nd place finishes lands these guys right where they feel most comfortable.

5. Underground Bard (City Tap House). Win with a 118 at City Tap House last week, then leads after 4 rounds at the JGTSpI. It’s been a train wreck ever since.

6. Specific Jawns (Bards). Haven’t been around all that much lately, but burst back onto the scene with an 11-point win over the Jesters of Tortuga at Bards this past week.

7.Electric Mayhem. (Rendezvous) 2 wins in the past 3 weeks puts them in the Top 20 for the first time ever.

8. Exhausted Nihilists (O’Neals). An impressive 4th place finish at Invitational puts them in the Top 10, but this team at full strength certainly has the potential to be a Top 5 team.

9. Sidecardigans (Sidecar). Rebound from a devastating last place finish at the Invitational to take first place the very next night. You gotta like that from a young team. Short term memories.

10. L. Ron Hubbard’s Diabetics (Industry). Two wins in the past three weeks gets them in at the tail end of the Top 10. This is a former #1 team. Can they climb the charts again?

11. We Got Nothin’ (O’Neals)

12. Jitney Spears (Black Sheep)

13. No-Names (Industry)

14. Blazing Sea Nuggets (Black Sheep)

15. Mysterious Mr. Mapother (O’Neals)

Day of Games: June 2nd

This was probably the funnest event I emceed in 2012. Pretty much like tailgating, but while keeping track of your scores at all of the various events (can jam, cornhole, Name That Beer, etc.), while drinking awesome beer, and ending with a team karaoke. Sunday, June 2nd at the City Tap House. Get a team together (It’s teams of up to 4) and we’ll guarantee a good time. Action starts at 1.

Duane’s World Wins 3rd Annual JGTSpI

Duane’s World are the Susan Lucci’s of quizzo no longer. A perennial favorite, they had yet to win a big event, and were coming off a disappointing 10th place finish at Quizzo Bowl. All that changed on Sunday. Like Lucci with her Emmy in 1999, they finally got over the hump. And not only did they win it, they won it decisively by a 12-point margin over the Jesters of Tortuga. The Jams finished 3rd. Underground Bard cruised through the first 4 rounds, holding the lead after rounds 3 and 4, but fell to pieces in the Impossible Round. You hate to see that happen to a team like them, especially on their home floor. I’m not sure they’ll ever recover.

It was a strange quiz, as the 2nd round, a picture round of celebrities in cap and gowns, proved to be the hardest round, and the music round was one of the easiest we’ve done in a while. That said, Ali Wadsworth and Joe did terrific renditions of the songs, so that helped make them easier as well. Incredibly, the 2nd place team at Quizzo Bowl, Sidecardigans, finished last (but did win a handy ice scraper). All of the Final scores are posted below.

I had a great time, City Tap House took good care of us with some great drink specials and prizes, and Anthrax Ames had yet another chance to complain about how ageist the questions were. So everybody wins. Especially Duane’s World. We’ll kick off the JGT Summer Invite in June.

  1. Duane’s World 149
  2. Jesters of Tortuga 137
  3. The Jams (Trickle Down Dickonomics) 129
  4. Exhausted Nihilists 124
  5. Tempura House 120
  6. Better late Than Pregnant 120
  7. Why Can’t Sea Nuggets 120
  8. Underground Bard 117
  9. Always Finish 4th 117
  10. But Mr. Mapother Thinks I’m Cool 111
  11. Step Up 4: Military Junta 111
  12. I Woke Up and It Smelled Like Vaseline 108
  13. L. Ron Hubbard’s Diabetics 102
  14. Inkspot 102
  15. Madame Butterface 94
  16. Sidecardigans 93

Final JGTSpI Scores

Here they are, the final scores after 9 tough weeks of quizzo. Team in the yellow made the cut, and will be eligible for a bonus prize. Teams in green made the cut. Team in orange are on the bubble. If any teams ahead of you cannot live up to their duties as Spring Invitational Invitees, then you will be selected. I’ll be sending invites out this weekend.

Teams in the blue…you are not finished yet. Next week is wild card week. Teams that win a quiz next week will be eligible to join in as wild card teams. So I’m tellin ya there’s a chance! I’m also giving a wild card entry for best team name next week. We’ll vote on it next Friday to determine who gets the invite.

The event itself will be at City Tap House at 6 p.m. on Sunday, May 19th. There will be lots of prizes and live music. It’s $10 a pop and is always a ton of fun. Andy is gonna throw us some great food and drink specials, and if the weather is nice we’re doing it outdoors.