Slices-Fountain Soda COming Soon!

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Me and my man Scott headed out to East Falls to a place called Slices on Ridge Avenue. The place is pretty unassuming, and the slices are cheap. I got my first slice, but the garlic salt is in a container with giant holes in the top, so that when i tried to sprinkle it on my pie it came gushing out, rendering my slice inedible. No problem, the guys behind the coutner replaced it for me free of charge. So my slice was perfectly good, though not great. The highlight of the trip, however, was when I noticed the following words at the bottom of a nearby dry erase board:
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Now, I have never been at a restaurant that thought to advertise all of the excitement that comes with the prospect of fountain soda. “Hey guys, what should we do for dinner?” “I dunno, if Slices has fountain soda, we should go there. They said it was coming soon.” Here was Scott’s take:
A decent little neighborhood joint that serves a solid, no-frills piece of pie. It’s not too greasy, the crust is thin and tasty, and the soda was really wet. The price is right ($2.00 for any slice, any topping is pretty good, even though your choice of topping seems limited to cheese, pepperoni and hamburger.) In short, I’ve occasionally had better pizza, but Slices gets the job done just fine. Three pepperonis from me.
Yeah, Slices gets three pepperonis. But I’ll be back…to try the fountain soda.