WHO: 60 teams playing for the Winter Warz title.
WHAT: Our 4th online season since last spring, the Winter Warz.
WHEN: January 4th-March 21st
WHERE: On Zoom.
WHY: Why not? We’ve had a ton of fun these past few months, and 98% of the teams we had for the Winter Warz are back (plus a few new teams.)
CAN WE STILL GET OUR TEAM IN? Yep! We’re at 56 teams signed up and we’ve got room for 4 more before we cap it at 60.
HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? It’s $450, which I know looks like a lot but when you break it down over 12 games and over 8 players, comes out to less than $5 per game per person for 40 minutes of quizzo. So less than a beer to play quizzo at the bar.
IS IT FUN? Well 48 out of the 50 teams that played in the Fall Brawl are back for the Winter Warz, so I think that’s a pretty good indication that it’s pretty damn fun. It’s a lot like fantasy football, except that you’re actually playing in the game. Well, playing a trivia game, not a football game.
WHAT’S NEW: Well one thing that’s new is J Michael’s movie club, where we’ll watch one movie during each of the next three months and get together for a) a short quiz about that film and b) a discussion of the film, led by our cinephile quizmaster. We’ll spin the wheel to reveal the first film tonight during our preseason show.
PRESEASON SHOW? Yes, as those of you who have played with us in the past know, every few weeks the quizmasters get together to go LIVE on facebook and discuss our rankings and standings. We kick it off tonight at 6 PM on the JGT Quizzo Facebook page.
WHAT ELSE: We’re also introducing the Midseason Classic, where we’ll randomize our teams, so folks get a chance to know some of the people they’ve been playing against this past year.
HOW DO I SIGN UP? Just go here and enter your team info, go here and enter your slot on the schedule, and pay half of your dues to @jgtquizzo on venmo. And voila, you’re in! Hope to see ya this season!