- Underground Bard. The winners of our World Cup of Quizzo, they then finished 4th in the Summer Slam, losing by a mere 4 points. They are undoubtedly the favorites on Sunday night. VEGAS ODDS: 3/1
- Very Stable Geniuses. Not sure what got into their Wheaties, but after finishing 41st in Summer Slam, they put together a 7-3 season followed by a damn impressive 101 in the semis. Would be a hell of a turnaround if they could pull off the upset. VEGAS ODDS: 14/1
- Yacht Rock. After winning the Jigsaw division, the Yacht Rock crew put up a monstrous 98 on a tough semifinals quiz. They finished 27th in the Summer Slam, so a title in Fall Brawl would be a hell of a feat. VEGAS ODDS: 25/1
- Expired Walmart Meat. The Meat comes in hungry. They were a Final Four team in the World Cup, and finished 5th in Summer Slam. They were the 3rd highest scoring team in the Fall Brawl regular season. They’ve got the 3rd best odds of any team in the Finals. VEGAS ODDS: 7/1
- L. Ron Hubbard’s Diabetics. A mediocre 5-5 season earned them a wildcard spot, but they seem to be heating up at the right time. A perfect score in the Wild Card playoffs, followed by an 87 in the Semis. Would be a huge upset for this veteran squad, but not outside the realm of possibility…they finished 12th in the Summer Slam. VEGAS ODDS: 35/1
- FFSF. The #12 seed (out of 12) in the Nerds Conference, FFSF is the Fall Brawl Cinderella story, the team all of America is rooting for. They shocked Lambda, Zodiac Killers, and Boyz II Menehune in the Wildcard round, then put up a strong 87 in the semis. VEGAS ODDS: 75/1
- Smells Like Quarantine Spirit. The winners of Summer Slam, they lost one of their best players in the offseason and we’ve seen their play drop just a bit. But they still ruled the Nerd Conference, and they’re still a dangerous team. VEGAS ODDS: 11/2.
- Queefer Sutherland. A 9-1 regular season, but they squeaked into the finals with an 82. Our most experienced team in the finals, will that experience pay off in a championship belt? We’ll find out Sunday. VEGAS ODDS: 12/1
If you’d like to play along with us on Sunday night, it’s easy. Just go to the Johnny Goodtimes Facebook page, where we’ll be streaming live, and sign in on playbigquiz with the Event Key “fallfun”. It’s free to play, though your lovable quizmasters will certainly accept tips. Hope to see ya Sunday!