Quizzo Bowl VII Promo from Johnny Goodtimes on Vimeo.
There are about 50 seats left. Do not wait until tomorrow night! Get your tickets today!
WHO: You, me, Fastball Bob Gutierrez, Chip Chantry, Haulin’ Oats, magician Norm Klar and numerous local celebrities, who are going to be helping me host Round Three, which is going to be OFF THE HEEZY! There are also rumors of an Anthony Riley appearance.
WHAT: Quizzo Bowl VII, the most prestigious quizzo event in the country. Hundreds will enter. 8 will win. And I’m sure as hell hoping it’s not Lambda.
WHEN: February 19th, 2011 at 8 p.m. sharp. Doors at 7. The event will start at 8 p.m. sharp, not 8 p.m. JGT standard time, so be there before 8 p.m.!
WHERE: World Cafe Live (30th and Walnut). Where it all began at Quizzo Bowl I.
WHY: Sure, there will be over $1500 in fabulous prizes given away to our winners (and the James Buchanan Memorial Trophy), not to mention the glory that goes with being Quizzo Bowl Champions. But it ain’t all about the questions. It’s about taking part in a Philadelphia tradition, seeing an awesome show with your friends on a Saturday night, and seeing if maybe, just maybe, this is the year the questions fall your way. Not only will the top teams be vying for the win, but I will be giving away tons of prizes throughout the evening.
HOW: Tickets are now on sale online only. You can buy them here (There is a $2 surcharge). It is going to be a downright incredible show, one of the best in Philly in 2011, guaranteed. And you’re gonna be part of it. Do not wait until the night of the event to buy your tix. The previous 6 Quizzo Bowls have sold out, and I suspect this one will as well. So don’t wait too late to purchase your tickets.
PRIZES: I have $1500 worth of prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place finishers, a $75 gift certificate to City Tap House for Best Dressed team, and gift certificates to give away to Fergie’s, Bards, Good Dog, Locust Rendezvous, and free tickets to upcoming comedy shows at Helium.
And what exactly do you have against the three-time defending champs? There’s onlyone Fishtown Fanatic, and we have him
Only an event as presitigious as Quizzo Bowl would allow its championship trophy to undergo a name change from one year to the next. When we first won the title, it was the Adam Eaton Memorial Trophy.