Denver Still Whining About Quizzo Bowl Loss

Picture 10After Philly sent Denver back to the bus with their tails between their legs (congrats on that tied for 24th finish, guys), it didn’t take long for their local Weekly of record, Westword, (Get it? West-word? Yeah, that’s what we’re dealing with here.) to fire back some lame volleys.

It’s well known that Philadelphia is a cultural armpit that has never produced anything of value except for Gilbert Lewis, but the town’s community of second-rate trivia geeks is apparently up to speed on random facts as posed by a cross-section of obscure Philadelphia celebrities. Last weekend, a crack trivia team organized by Denver’s Geeks Who Drink, fresh off a win for Denver at Geek Bowl V, journeyed to Philadelphia to participate in that city’s Quizzo Bowl VII, basically a crappier version of the same event.

Never produced anything of value? I know it’s hard to get oxygen to your brain at such a high altitude, but have you ever heard of the U.S. Constitution? You know that inalienable right you have to write trash like this for your 2nd rate paper? You’re welcome.

8 thoughts on “Denver Still Whining About Quizzo Bowl Loss

  1. Purchase me a aeroplane pass, and I will travel there, and engage in fisticuffs with each and every citizen of that hell-on-a-hill!!!

  2. Hey Johnny, didn’t you and your team of Philadelphians take 3rd and thus a nice chunk of Denver money in their Geek Bowl? Also, for the record, my team was among the 23 teams that finished higher than the Denver squad. In short, F Denver.

  3. Well to be fair the Geeks Who Drink team was hardly Denver or Coloradan since only slightly more than half of the players actually even reside in that state (Dicker, his wife Shannon, Rob, Matt and Jason). Chris lives in Indiana and both Kent and Eric live in Albuquerque. Next year we really need to send an actual quiz team and not just a bunch of the GWD staff, who are all good people but not necessarily quiz all-stars. I really thought about going to Philly this year but unfortunately had to use my Geek Bowl winnings to replace my old bed that go too uncomfortable to sleep on. Too bad because I knew the South Pacific question and some others they got wrong. Next time we really need to send an actual competitive trivia team and not just the GWD folks.

  4. What I find appalling is that these outrageous and impossible Western persons apparently travel cross country on buses. (Or should that be busses?) Such transport is acceptable for local travel in one’s metropolitan area– believe it or not I find SEPTA to be quite convenient– but for cross country travel, it is absurd. First of all, one meets altogether the wrong sort of person on interstate buses. Secondly, who besides unemployed and overeducated slackers or perhaps Wisconsin teachers has the time to be travelling by bus from Philadelphia to Denver? But I suppose we should expect nothing better from this Dicker character and his associates.

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