JGT Drops Vicious Battle Rap Skewering Denver

You all may remember a few months ago when Denver “comedian” Adam Cayton-Holland ripped Philly a new one. Needless to say, I had to answer back with a vicious attack of my own. But getting married cuts into one’s battle rap time, so it took me a little while to respond. It was well worth the wait. I rip Denver and the other cities participating a new one, as well as Cayton-Holland and our good friends John Dicker and the Slump Busters, who travelled to Philly last year for Quizzo Bowl. Since I know no-one in Philly really knows anything about Albuquerque and Colorado Springs, so here’s a little background:

So 4 members of Sofa Kingdom, myself, and my buddy Carl are headed out to Denver to regulate at Geek Bowl V at the end of the month. We will represent the birthplace of quizzo proudly. Last year we finished 4th. That wasn’t good enough. This year we plan on finishing First.

Needless to say, the rap is so badass that Denverites have either responded weakly or not at all. While their local alternative weekly lamely tries to rip me, on the Geeks Who Drink website only two people have dared challenge my verbal artistry. So it looks like we are not only going to win Geek Bowl, we are going to rip out Denver’s souls while doing so.

Start Time Moved Up to 9 PM at the Westbury Tonight

esbbottlemainA schedule change at the Westbury. Start time has been moved up to 9 p.m., starting tonight. Here’s Mike Minion with a few words about tonight’s quiz, and about a special Uber Geek quiz coming up in February:

I Have a Dream

of someone beating Group W at The Westbury.  To help make that dream come true, I’m adding up to $40 to the prize pool tonight.  Here’s the deal: Beat Group W for first place and get an extra $20, beat them for second and get an extra $10.   Also, since we had a tie in The Challenge Round last week, the prize pool will start with 25 “points”.  Well, if anyone other than Group W win the Challenge Round, I’ll give them the points, AND $10 for the effort.

Come celebrate MLK Day at The Westbury and strike a blow for quizzo equality.  As a bonus, tonight’s Keg special will be Fullers ESB (from London) at half price.  That’s a great deal.

Remember, the new starting time is 9 PM, so all of you guys who turn into pumpkins at midnight have NO EXCUSE!!  We’ll be finished long before then.  And what better way to get a peaceful night’s sleep than with some of Mike Minon’s money in your pocket? Hope to see you there!

In other news, The Westbury has also agreed to host the next theme quiz, our All “Star”Event.   To the delight of nerds everywhere, the topics for special 5 round quiz will be Star Wars and Star Trek (with a few question on stars and astronomy for good measure).  We are working out the details, but it’s looking like Sunday evening, February 13 is the date.  Think of it as a warm up for Quizzo Bowl. We’ll have more info by the end of the week. So get out your light sabers and sharpen your pointed ears; this one’s gonna be FUN!

Quizzo News and Notes

Quizzo Bowl VII Promo from Johnny Goodtimes on Vimeo.

Sex Drugs and Rock n Roll week was as wild as it sounded. Well almost. We had three first time winners, the most scandalous picture round ever, and a quiz at Bards that didn’t start until 11:30 thanks to a flat tire. First off, thanks to everyone who stuck around at Bards last night. Greatly appreciated it. And thanks to the members of L. Ron Hubbard’s Diabetics who helped me get the tire fixed. Yeah, I know how to fix a tire, folks, but we were having some jack problems. No, seriously, I know how to fix a tire. Why don’t you believe me?

Anyways, big news on the quizzo front this week, as we found out from our good friend Fastball Bob that Quizzo Bowl VII will be on February 19th at the World Cafe Live, and will feature the return of Haulin Oates, doing not just Hall and Oates songs, but all of your favorite 80s jams. My goal is to make this the greatest Quizzo Bowl ever, and whereas in the past I have started putting together the questions the week before the event, this year I am already at work trying to figure out a way to incorporate music, comedy, and video into the quiz, if possible, to take it to the next level.

Quick starting time note for next week: Mike Minion’s quiz at the Westbury is being moved up to a 9 p.m. on Monday night.

And finally, I haven’t really been talking much trash to Denver this year as we prepare to head there for Geek Bowl at the end of the month. Don’t worry, I’ll make it up to you on Monday. Promise. The battle rap is almost done. Hope everyone has a great weekend!

New Sex! New Drugs! New Rock n Roll! New French Fries!

frenchfry1-1 All new sex, drugs, and rock n roll questions tonight at quizzo. We start at Ugly American at 8 p.m., where all Lagers are a ridiculously cheap $2 and where L. Ron Hubbard’s Diabetics have a 3 game winning streak going. I suspect they know a bit about drugs and rock n roll, but their sexual knowledge is probably lacking, so this is probably a good week to catch them off guard.

On to the Bards at 10:15 p.m. $3 Lagers and a chance to knock off the best local sports team other than the Phillies, Steak Em Up. And of course, chances to win fries at both places and a chance to win at Face Off. Hope to see ya tonight!

UPDATE: A music round the most scandalous picture round in JGT history in tonight’s quiz!

More Sex, Drugs and Rock n Roll Tonight!

jimi smoke
A weird night last night in the snow. The quiz may have been a little too hard at O’Neals (winning score was an 86) so I lightened it up a little at City Tap House. But thanks to the snow, most of the teams there were young Penn students, and if there is any one group who doesn’t think that the world existed before the day they were born struggles with questions about things that happened before the late 1980s, it’s young Penn students. So our scores were a little higher, but not a lot. So I’m gonna retool a little bit and find a happy medium for tonight.

We start at the Rendezvous at 6:15 p.m. $3 St. Pauli Girl Bottles and $2 Coors Original pints. That’s tough to beat. On to the Black Sheep at 8 p.m., where we had a raucous crowd last week and a big win for Catdog. And who knows, I may even give away a beer or two in Face Off. Alright, well I’m off to play in the snow. See ya tonight!

Sex, Drugs and Rock’n’Roll Quiz All Week

SEXDRUGSROCKAs loathe as I am to give any praise to Mike Minion, I have to give credit where credit is due. His Sex Drugs and Rock n Roll Quiz last night was so much fun I’ve decided to steal his idea. It’s like when Edison stole all that stuff from Nikola Tesla, so Tesla responded by stealing the song “Signs” from Five Man Electrical Band. It’s a vicious cycle.

Where was I? Oh yes, all of this week’s questions will be about Sex, Drugs, and Rock ‘n’ Roll. Ok, and maybe a question or two on snow. We’re gonna have a lot of fun, and yes we are quizzing tonight, no matter how much it snows. We start at O’Neals at 8 p.m. Lots of parity, lots of snow, and $3.50 margaritas should make for a fun night, especially if you win the $50 gift certificate.

We move to City Tap House at 10:15 p.m., where the biggest prize in the city is situated. $100 GC for first place, and $50 GC for 2nd. Should be a full on blizzard by that point, and a great place to watch it out their enormous windows. Oh, and their $10 pizza and a beer deal is tough to beat, as are $3 Sly Foxes.

Mike Minion will be bringing his questions to Manyunk tonight at 8 PM: Debauchery Week continues starting at 8:00 PM at the corner of Terrace and Salignac in Manayunk.  Last night’s scores were pretty high, proving the quizzo crowd knows their vices.  I’m expecting more of the same, plus the Challenge Round is already starting with 40 “points” in the bank.  This is a fun topic, so come out and prove you’re a degenerate of the first rank by winning the quiz tonight.  Hope to see ya there!