Quick Notes

Scoreboard will be up Monday. Two weeks left to go in the JGTAI, and I will start handing out invites next week to teams who have qualified. Teams who have not qualified, here is a golden opportunity! I am giving bonus points for you posting photos of yourself in your Halloween costumes. Best Halloween outfit posted on the wall earns you a bonus 3 points!

In sports, here’s my latest podcast with Lee Russakoff…is Instant Replay hurting the NFL? This is a pretty funny one. In the “In case you missed it category”, I highly recommend the poem about Ryan Howard’s last at bat.

And finally, in the “Most interesting thing I’ve read lately on the 3 blogs I semi-regularly check” category, here is a highly entertaining piece from Joey Sweeney at Philebrity about his time spent working in the porn industry. Sort of.

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