Sarah Palin Has a More Limited Vocab Than Paris Hilton

palinI was reading this piece about Sarah Palin in Vanity Fair, and got to this text of a speech she gave in Missouri about how smart she and her followers are: “They talk down to us. Especially here in the heartland. Oh, man. They think that, if we were just smart enough, we’d be able to understand their policies. And I so want to tell ’em, and I do tell ’em, Oh, we’re plenty smart, oh yeah—we know what’s goin’ on. And we don’t like what’s goin’ on. And we’re not gonna let them tell us to sit down and shut up.”

I couldn’t help but notice that a staggering 62 of the 72 words (86%) in that paragraph were exactly one syllable long. And 3 of the “big words” were goin’, goin’, and gonna. Don’t let anybody tell you and your followers that they are simple, Sarah. After all, you do know a 4 syllable word (especially). I don’t exactly hang out with rocket scientists, but I can’t imagine any of my friends using almost exclusively one syllable words. Hell, I can’t imagine that if I had a discussion with my 3 year old niece, 86% of her words would be one syllable long.

Well, this experiment isn’t exactly scientific, but I thought, “Why don’t I check out the last 72 words Paris Hilton has written on twitter?” Palin can’t possibly have a more limited vocab than Ms. Cocaine Gum herself, right? Wrong. Of the last 72 words Paris has written on twitter (not including @s, links, people’s names, or xoxo), 55 of them were one syllable long (76%). Dunno if this means anything, but it looks like these geniuses who follow Sarah Palin would be a bit overwhelmed if Paris “Big Words” Hilton took the stage.

30 thoughts on “Sarah Palin Has a More Limited Vocab Than Paris Hilton

  1. I agree that your test is not very scientific, but I would be very surprised if the results of a true IQ test didn't end up with the same result: that Hilton's IQ is higher than Peggy Hill's, er, Sarah Palin's.

  2. I understand how you must be feeling, Johnny. If I had fallen for all that hopeychanger horseshit and voted for the Obama/Biden ticket, I'd be pretty embarrassed about it, and I also would want to change the subject. So why don't we fall back on that all time favorite, golden oldie, and reliable standby: to wit, Republicans are stupid. Coming up next, boys and girls: Republicans are evil too. Stupid and evil. Are they more stupid than evil, or more evil than stupid? Tough call. Good thing we have geniuses like Johnny Goodtimes and Hunter on the case.

    Anybody who voted for that assclown Joe Biden for VP probably shouldn't be taking shots at Sarah Palin's intelligence. In fact, anybody who voted for that assclown Obama for president probably shouldn't be taking shots at Sarah Palin's intelligence. Or at Paris Hilton's intelligence either, for that matter. Ms. Hilton at any rate manages to travel without hauling around a teleprompter– and a back up teleprompter also, of course– in case she might actually have to say something.

    We Republicans are, of course, really stupid, but not so stupid that we'd fall for embarrassing slogans such as “the audacity of hope,” and “change you can believe in,” and that all time favorite of mine “We are the ones we've been waiting for.” (How's that? Say again?) We're not so gullible that we'd mistake the ability to read a teleprompter for eloquence. Pathetic. Absolutely pathetic.

  3. Bob, I think “Republicans are stupid” and “Sarah Palin is stupid” are two very different sentiments. I consider you to be a pretty damn sharp dude, despite your Republicanism, and if you called Joe Biden dumb I'd hardly take it personally. But if you honestly think Sarah Palin's IQ is even in Obama's IQs area code, you are nuts.

    As for “Hope” and “Change”, yeah it was kind of silly. But it could have been worse. They could have campaigned by attacking John McCain's “black children”.

    There are certain voters that that kind of campaigning seems to appeal to. If you want to discuss “absolutely pathetic” campaigning, I don't think “Hope” even approaches a number of campaign tactics we've seen made in recent years.

  4. Johnny, I fail to see why you or anybody else thinks that Barack Obama is so intelligent. He may have a higher IQ than Palin; he may not. I would not be at all suprised to find that his is lower than hers. You are mistaking Obama's ability to read from a teleprompter for intelligence.

    Obama's academic records are, of course, unavailable. They are more closely guarded secrets than the launch codes for the Strategic Air Command. If he is so incredibly intelligent, why so? Obama is not exactly what I'd call the self-effacing and modest type, and he's never gone in for hiding any of his not-so-bright lights under any bushels that I can remember, so I think we can make a wild guess that he's not hiding his academic records because his marks and test scores are so high that the rest of us would be discouraged by them, or perhaps decide that we don't want him as president because he is much too intelligent for our taste. I think it much more probable that his test scores and grades are embarrassingly low. His wife's academic records are under lock and key also. Her senior thesis from Princeton is unavailable. Again, I doubt that this is because its erudition would blow us all away. It is more probably because it is (a), embarrassingly radical; or (b), it is embarrasssingly jejuine, poorly written and lacking in any scholarship; or (c), it exhibits a combination of both (a) and (b).

  5. Sally, if your comment was directed at me, well… no… I am not aware of the editorial position of VF. VF is what? Vanity Fair? So what is the editorial position of Vanity Fair, or VF?

  6. Yeah, you're right, Bob. Getting a journalism degree from the University of Idaho and graduating magna cum laude from Harvard Law School are pretty much equivalent. I'm sure that if she had given it the “ol' college try” she could have easily been the president of the Harvard Law Review. She could “whipped together quite a few lil' arguments that would have made those Harvard profs heads spin, daggone it!”. Bob, you kill your credibility when you stubbornly refuse to cede an obvious point just because it doesn't allow you to dig Obama. Anyone who thinks that Sarah Palin has an IQ as high as Barack Obama is a fool, and you're no fool. You're simply saying it because you are so blind with contempt for the President. Which is fine, but saying that he has a lower IQ than Sarah Palin just makes people think that your more salient points will be invalid as well.

    1. I think I said Palin may have a higher IQ than Obama, not that she did. You're confusing attendence at Harvard with innate intelligence. You're also confusing achievement with IQ. Obviously there are other factors that enter into success in life besides native intelligence as measured by IQ. BTW, George W. Bush graduated from Harvard Business School, one of the best in the country. His admission was not a legacy admission, and I'm real sorry but they don't just hand out those Harvard MBAs to everybody who enrolls. He also was not an affirmative action admission as Obama obviously was at Harvard Law. So I guess you're ready to concede that GWB is a genius also.

      I'm sorry, Johnny, but I think Obama's erudition is much overrated. I mentioned the teleprompter business. I'll also point out that observers have mentioned that when the teleprompter has a problem, Obama stands there like the proverbial deer in the headlights. He doesn't seem to know how to recover and keep going without his security blanket. This is not the case with John McCain who can speak w/o teleprompter and even w/o notes as required. Palin is also able to keep going when her teleprompter malfunctions. Reports are that Obama even uses his goddamn teleprompter in small meetings. Is this the sign of a towering intellect or a brilliant and eloquent speaker?

      McCain, incidentally, has an IQ of 133. Not too shabby for a Republican. Wanna bet it ain't higher than Obama's? Bush's has been estimated at 125, based on his AF officer intelligence tests. Kerry's, embarassingly enough, was estimated lower at about 121, based on his Navy testing. Obama's? I doubt that it's as high as Bush's, or Kerry's for that matter. And you know what, Johnny? I doubt that it's as high as mine. When you waltz into the 'Vous tonight, it's my bet that there are people sitting there playing quizzo that could give the president of the U.S. a run for his money in the area of IQ.

      1. Bob, your gigantic IQ cannot disguise the fact that you have no clue as to your subject matter. Take it from me, there is FAR more latitude with legacy admits than with affirmative action. Moreover, not only was Obama admitted to Harvard Law, he was editor of the law review, which is pure merit. I guarantee you that Obama”s IQ is not only much higher than yours, it is close to 40 points higher than Sarah Palin. Sure she can speak without a telepromter, it’s just that she cannot say anything intelligent.

        You want this current Know Nothing mindset evident in the Tea Party movement to be successful? You will be the first one out in the Killing Fields, for it is just another version of the same philosophy—anti-intelligence, anti-immigrant, anti-altruistic, anti-everything. It’s just what is best for me right now—except that what is best for someone else may not be best for you. Anger unleashed—that’s all it is, and the fact that a failure such as Palin can be its spokesperson speaks volumes.

        Hopefully, thoughtful people will come to their senses—you are too far gone with partisanship to think clearly—the party you worship has been hijacked by maniacs.

      2. Bob, your gigantic IQ cannot disguise the fact that you have no clue as to your subject matter. Take it from me, there is FAR more latitude with legacy admits than with affirmative action. Moreover, not only was Obama admitted to Harvard Law, he was editor of the law review, which is pure merit. I guarantee you that Obama”s IQ is not only much higher than yours, it is close to 40 points higher than Sarah Palin. Sure she can speak without a telepromter, it’s just that she cannot say anything intelligent.

        You want this current Know Nothing mindset evident in the Tea Party movement to be successful? You will be the first one out in the Killing Fields, for it is just another version of the same philosophy—anti-intelligence, anti-immigrant, anti-altruistic, anti-everything. It’s just what is best for me right now—except that what is best for someone else may not be best for you. Anger unleashed—that’s all it is, and the fact that a failure such as Palin can be its spokesperson speaks volumes.

        Hopefully, thoughtful people will come to their senses—you are too far gone with partisanship to think clearly—the party you worship has been hijacked by maniacs.

        1. What are you talking about Palestra Jon? I’m sure that William F. Buckley always dreamed of a day in which people with misspelled posters gathered by the hundreds of thousands to listen to Howard Beale. I’m sure that Dwight Eisenhower couldn’t be more pleased with the pro-military complex, anti-everything else mentality that passes for mainstream modern Republicanism. I’m sure Irving Kristol would be thrilled to know that his party has become the party of Sarah Palin, Joey Vento, and Joe the Plumber. And I love the teleprompter arguments, Bob. I don’t want to bust your bubble, but were you aware that the Gettysburg Address was written before it was given? Were you aware that Lincoln read the Gettysburg Address, that he didn’t make it up on the spot or recite it from memory? Your argument doesn’t even make sense. Yeah, Obama reads off a a teleprompter when he gives a speech. Like Carter, like Reagan, like Bush Sr., like Clinton, like Bush Jr. So what’s your point? He seems pretty smart when he gets interviewed, unlike “Russia From My House”. Yes, he reads his speeches, not memorizes them, like every President in history. I find this argument that “Obama is dumb because he uses a teleprompter” a rather amusing one. Is he also dumb because he enters to “Hail to the Chief” instead of something more sophisticated?

          1. And I love the tea party put down, Johnny. If I were a huge fan of the tea parties, or a tea party afficianado, or a tea party organizer, or a tea party enthusiast, or a Glenn Beck fan, or as into the fucking tea party thing as you dbags seem to be, well, then I might just be upset. But I’m not and I’m not. So fuck you and go to hell and on the way there why not do some tea bagging with your tea bagging buddy PalestraJon.

          2. Bob, if you presented your arguments in a less Beck-ish fashion, then there would be no assumption of Tea Party-ism. But your insistence on saying things that are so ludicrous, such as that Palin’s IQ is probably as high as Obama’s, makes you sound rather Tea Party-esque. Any rational person who heard them both interviewed in a vacuum, w/o any political affiliation or preconceived notion, would quickly come to the conclusion that Obama is the more intelligent of the two. Does that make him the better politician? No. Does that mean you have to support his policies? No. Do I think that it’s possible that McCain is as smart or smarter than Obama? Sure. But there is no way in hell that Palin is in the same ballpark as either one of them. It doesn’t mean she can’t be a good politician. I don’t think Washington or Lincoln were intellectual geniuses, while Hoover and Nixon were, so the whole intelligence thing is a bit overrated in my book when it comes to politicians.

            I don’t doubt your intelligence, Bob, but ripping Obama’s insistence on teleprompters sounds rather Tea Party-esque. It has no bearing on anything and is kind of silly. Feel free to attack his policies all you want to, but these sorts of accusations sound like they come straight from the mouth of Beck into your mind.

          3. Johnny, I apologize for telling you to go fuck yourself, to go straight to hell and to tea bag with PalestraJon enroute. That was rather intemperate. I suppose I find it annoying that you and PJ seem to find it necessay to throw these sort of cheap insults at me, e.g. tea parties and Beck, etc. (So you can just go straight to hell, but you don’t have to fuck yourself, and tea bagging with PalestraJon on the way isn’t necessary either.)

            I think the teleprompter thing is quite germane to a discussion of O’s intelligence. If he is so intelligent, why can he only speak from a prepared script. Public speaking ability is not an incontrovertible proof of genius, but it is odd that a man who has this reputation for genius as well as eloquence, unearned in my opinion, should be unable to put words together without a prepared script, while others are able to do so. Palin among them.

            That a Republican must of necessity be kind of stupid is the fall back position for liberal Democrats going back to at least Gerald Ford, another man of significant accomplishments who was routinely portrayed as a dunce. This Republicans are stupid routine is itself stupid. People do not get elcted to high government office, such as the governorship of Alaska in Palin’s case, or the presidency of the U.S. in Bush’s, by being morons. Might not the person making such an absurd argument be providing some evidence of his own possible mental shortcomings by overlooking such an obvious fact?

            It’s also interesting to me that now I’ve somehow morphed into a Glenn Beck junkie. Did I tire of Rush Limbaugh? Does it not occur to you that throwing out such accusations is just a species of the ad hominem argument?

          4. Johnny, I apologize for telling you to go fuck yourself, to go straight to hell and to tea bag with PalestraJon enroute. That was rather intemperate. I suppose I find it annoying that you and PJ seem to find it necessay to throw these sort of cheap insults at me, e.g. tea parties and Beck, etc. (So you can just go straight to hell, but you don’t have to fuck yourself, and tea bagging with PalestraJon on the way isn’t necessary either.)

            I think the teleprompter thing is quite germane to a discussion of O’s intelligence. If he is so intelligent, why can he only speak from a prepared script. Public speaking ability is not an incontrovertible proof of genius, but it is odd that a man who has this reputation for genius as well as eloquence, unearned in my opinion, should be unable to put words together without a prepared script, while others are able to do so. Palin among them.

            That a Republican must of necessity be kind of stupid is the fall back position for liberal Democrats going back to at least Gerald Ford, another man of significant accomplishments who was routinely portrayed as a dunce. This Republicans are stupid routine is itself stupid. People do not get elcted to high government office, such as the governorship of Alaska in Palin’s case, or the presidency of the U.S. in Bush’s, by being morons. Might not the person making such an absurd argument be providing some evidence of his own possible mental shortcomings by overlooking such an obvious fact?

            It’s also interesting to me that now I’ve somehow morphed into a Glenn Beck junkie. Did I tire of Rush Limbaugh? Does it not occur to you that throwing out such accusations is just a species of the ad hominem argument?

          5. Bob, if you presented your arguments in a less Beck-ish fashion, then there would be no assumption of Tea Party-ism. But your insistence on saying things that are so ludicrous, such as that Palin’s IQ is probably as high as Obama’s, makes you sound rather Tea Party-esque. Any rational person who heard them both interviewed in a vacuum, w/o any political affiliation or preconceived notion, would quickly come to the conclusion that Obama is the more intelligent of the two. Does that make him the better politician? No. Does that mean you have to support his policies? No. Do I think that it’s possible that McCain is as smart or smarter than Obama? Sure. But there is no way in hell that Palin is in the same ballpark as either one of them. It doesn’t mean she can’t be a good politician. I don’t think Washington or Lincoln were intellectual geniuses, while Hoover and Nixon were, so the whole intelligence thing is a bit overrated in my book when it comes to politicians.

            I don’t doubt your intelligence, Bob, but ripping Obama’s insistence on teleprompters sounds rather Tea Party-esque. It has no bearing on anything and is kind of silly. Feel free to attack his policies all you want to, but these sorts of accusations sound like they come straight from the mouth of Beck into your mind.

          6. And I love the tea party put down, Johnny. If I were a huge fan of the tea parties, or a tea party afficianado, or a tea party organizer, or a tea party enthusiast, or a Glenn Beck fan, or as into the fucking tea party thing as you dbags seem to be, well, then I might just be upset. But I’m not and I’m not. So fuck you and go to hell and on the way there why not do some tea bagging with your tea bagging buddy PalestraJon.

        2. What are you talking about Palestra Jon? I’m sure that William F. Buckley always dreamed of a day in which people with misspelled posters gathered by the hundreds of thousands to listen to Howard Beale. I’m sure that Dwight Eisenhower couldn’t be more pleased with the pro-military complex, anti-everything else mentality that passes for mainstream modern Republicanism. I’m sure Irving Kristol would be thrilled to know that his party has become the party of Sarah Palin, Joey Vento, and Joe the Plumber. And I love the teleprompter arguments, Bob. I don’t want to bust your bubble, but were you aware that the Gettysburg Address was written before it was given? Were you aware that Lincoln read the Gettysburg Address, that he didn’t make it up on the spot or recite it from memory? Your argument doesn’t even make sense. Yeah, Obama reads off a a teleprompter when he gives a speech. Like Carter, like Reagan, like Bush Sr., like Clinton, like Bush Jr. So what’s your point? He seems pretty smart when he gets interviewed, unlike “Russia From My House”. Yes, he reads his speeches, not memorizes them, like every President in history. I find this argument that “Obama is dumb because he uses a teleprompter” a rather amusing one. Is he also dumb because he enters to “Hail to the Chief” instead of something more sophisticated?

        3. My dear PalestraJon and Johnny Goodtimes,

          Since you people seem to want numbers and details, we’ll talk numbers and details. I took the SAT on two separate occasions in 1968, the year I graduated from high school. My initial scores were a varbal score of 735 and a math score of 785. My second set of scores were verbal 770 and math 745. So my best combined score was 1555. (And I really do not give a fuck if you believe me or not, PalestraJon.) I will also point out that it is generally considered that scores in the 1960-1970 decades would translate into higher scores today.

          In 1972, I took the GRE tests and recorded a combined score of 1485. I forget the math and verbal breakdown. I can only assume that the decline in test scores was the result of frying portions of my brain in my undergraduate years. A numer of years later, 1988, I again took the GRE. I recall there were then three sections, which if I remember correctly were math, verbal and analysis. My scores in all three sections were well above 700: 750 in math, 775 in verbal, and 745 in analysis.

          I won a National Merit Scholarship while in high school. My recollection was that this placed me well above the top 1/2% of the country’s graduating seniors. There were four Merit finalists in my high school class of 800 students. I was the single Merit Scholarship winner in the graduating class. Of 800 seniors.

          I believe I could have been accepted at almost any school in the U.S. in 1968. I’m not sure that would be true today. Probably not. But at any rate, I come from a family of five, all of whom hoped to receive a college education, and I was not in a financial position to attend an Ivy League school. I won a full tuition scholarship, including room and board to a small liberal arts school, and accepted it. The rest, as they say, is history.

          Now the best available info I can find on Obama’s estimated IQ and SAT scores is in the article below:

          So, I do not hesitate to say, my dear PalestraJon, that based on the best available information, that my IQ is very probably higher, and, in fact, is very probably substantially higher, than Barack Obama’s. I’m sorry to burst your little bubble, but that’s just the way it is.

          1. Bob, is your ego really so big (and your accomplishments so small) that you need to turn a debate on Obama vs Palin into something about you? Then you “support” your argument with one of the most partisan, offensive and one-sided blogs I have ever read. Nothing in that blog post is remotely scientific, especially when he assumes that a predicted 140 IQ for Obama has to be discounted for affirmative action.
            The fact is that no one knows what Obama’s IQ is, nor does it matter worth a lick. Anyone with any sense knows that he is far more intelligent than Sarah Palin, a woman who took 7 years to finish college and could not put together a cohesive sentence in an interview a 5th grader would breeze through. You talk about the teleprompter thing (again, a Rushian talking point, but of course, you invent the talking points, you don’t repeat them) but ignore the hundreds of intelligent interviews Obama has given without a teleprompter or notes (which Palin had and still looked idiotic).
            Go ahead and attack the President for his policies, but the manner in which you attack him here is highly offensive and is far beneath someone of your great intellect. (Of course, we are assuming you are telling the truth about your board scores and accept that they are purely correlative of IQ—a dubious proposition—but we will accept it for the purpose of this thread). A true intellect like yourself would be expected to point out actual misstatements or indication that he does not understand important concepts,

          2. Yeah, whatever.

            Just out of curiosity, what is the correct manner in which to question the president’s policies without being “highly offensive”? Should I emulate your style in calling Bush a chickenhawk who “gleefully” sent other people’s children off to death? That was charming. Should I call Obama a liar like the left routinely did and still does with Bush? Should I perhaps call him a moron as you and others regularly called GWB? How about a “hypocrite”? How about those attacks from you and similarly minded shitheads that Bush wanted black people to die during the aftermath of Katrina and acted in a way to cause black people to die? It occurs to me, shitbird, that you just possibly ain’t the one to be giving me or anybody else, outside of maybe outlaw biker gangs or other gatherings of psychopaths, lectures on civility. You and your merry crew of liberal Democratic dbags pretty much set the gold standard for the “highly offensive” in politics.

            Anybody such as you who regularly states that Republican politicians are idiots, morons and liars should keep his mouth shut about people being offensive. Anybody such as you who constantly launches childish ad hominem attacks about tea partiers, Glen Beck and Rush Limbaugh should not complain about others being offensive. And as for charging Republican politicians with being morons and idiots, I’m afraid that you just demonstrate what a moron and idiot you are in launching such ridiculous attacks.

            The web site and article I provided re the alleged astronomical IQ of the Great One is just one of several sources I could cite. Obama keeps his academic records out of bounds. And as I’ve pointed out before, I wonder… Oh… I wonder why that should be?Enough is known about his marks and test scores, however, that we can be sure his IQ does not range into the 130s such as McCain. His SAT scores from the several sources I found are estimated to be probably in the 1100-1200 range. Half of my homeroom section in high school could top those scores. Let’s be really generous and give him the benefit of the doubt and push it up to 1300. He still wouldn’t have made the top ten in my homeroom section. And let me just say again how sorry I am to have to burst your bubble by letting you know that Obama’s IQ and SATs don’t even come close to those of stupid little old Republican me, but that’s the way it is, PalestraJon. Sorry about that.

          3. Incidentally, may I point out that this thread started with an attack on Sarah Palin with the usual charge of her being stupid. You took up the challenge and added your own insulting remarks re Palin. But I’m highly offensive when I argue that Obama is not a genius. Not that I argued that Obama is a moron and is stupid, mind you, like you regularly do with Republicans and with me personally, but only that he is not a genius. But here in Barackistan, such remarks are not to be tolerated. They are labelled as “highly offensive.”

          4. Bob, I’m not even going to your boilerplate recitation of things I never said…it’s irrelevant. However, no one suggested that Bush’s IQ is lower because of legacy admissions as you did with Obama due to his race. And that’s a fact.

          5. Actually, PalestraJon, you did suggest that Bush got into Harvard Business School because of favoritism in admissions. This, of course, is in direct contradiction to the known facts, but let us not let facts interefere in our quest to demonstrate that Republican politicians are really stupid.

            Incidentally, I did not see it, but a friends informs me that our president, who we are assured has an IQ that is off the charts, gave a press conference today. He broke new ground by using teleprompters during this event. Assuming that the whole thing wasn’t staged, with the questions approved beforehand and answeres prepared, I’m curious how this would work. Is there a really smart guy behind a curtain like in The Wizard of Oz furiously typing in answers to the questions as they’re presented for the president to read? Are boilerplate answers prepared ahead of time for expected question to be then plugged in when considered appropriate? (Oh, this is the economy question. Plug in the It’s All Still Bush’s Fault Answer Here.) The question that is being begged and begged here, of course, is why the guy who has an IQ that is so high that it can’t be revealed lest rumors arise that he must be a cyborg or a space alien or something needs teleprompters to answer simple questions, most of which could probably be anticipated ahead of time and probably answered in a satisfactory fashion by a precocious high school student.

            So, let’s summarize what we’ve learned in this thread. First of all, Palin, like all Republican politicians, is really stupid. Secondly, Obama’s IQ is off the charts. How do we know this? Well, it just has to be. He’s a Democrat, he’s liberal, and he went to Harvard. Third, while it’s an interesting question why Obama’s academic record is unavailable, the answer must be that it’s so good and his scores are so high that people would be intimidated and would vote for a stupid Republican just because they’d feel more confortable with him. Thirdly, Bob is a tea partier and listens to Glenn Beck. He used to listen to Rush Limbaugh but he switched to Beck somewhere along the line because Beck is the current go to guy for liberals to hate. Lastly, it is highly offensive to suggest that Obama is not a genius. Similarly, it is also highly offensive to suggest that Palin might not be an idiot. It is also highly offensive to criticize Obama and his mindless supporters. It is, however, acceptable to throw insults at Republicans, as well as to throw any charge that comes to mind at Bush, no matter how outrageous– be it liar, murderer, war criminal, etc., etc.– because he is a Republican and he is George W. Bush and he therefore must deserves it.

          6. Actually, PalestraJon, you did suggest that Bush got into Harvard Business School because of favoritism in admissions. This, of course, is in direct contradiction to the known facts, but let us not let facts interefere in our quest to demonstrate that Republican politicians are really stupid.

            Incidentally, I did not see it, but a friends informs me that our president, who we are assured has an IQ that is off the charts, gave a press conference today. He broke new ground by using teleprompters during this event. Assuming that the whole thing wasn’t staged, with the questions approved beforehand and answeres prepared, I’m curious how this would work. Is there a really smart guy behind a curtain like in The Wizard of Oz furiously typing in answers to the questions as they’re presented for the president to read? Are boilerplate answers prepared ahead of time for expected question to be then plugged in when considered appropriate? (Oh, this is the economy question. Plug in the It’s All Still Bush’s Fault Answer Here.) The question that is being begged and begged here, of course, is why the guy who has an IQ that is so high that it can’t be revealed lest rumors arise that he must be a cyborg or a space alien or something needs teleprompters to answer simple questions, most of which could probably be anticipated ahead of time and probably answered in a satisfactory fashion by a precocious high school student.

            So, let’s summarize what we’ve learned in this thread. First of all, Palin, like all Republican politicians, is really stupid. Secondly, Obama’s IQ is off the charts. How do we know this? Well, it just has to be. He’s a Democrat, he’s liberal, and he went to Harvard. Third, while it’s an interesting question why Obama’s academic record is unavailable, the answer must be that it’s so good and his scores are so high that people would be intimidated and would vote for a stupid Republican just because they’d feel more confortable with him. Thirdly, Bob is a tea partier and listens to Glenn Beck. He used to listen to Rush Limbaugh but he switched to Beck somewhere along the line because Beck is the current go to guy for liberals to hate. Lastly, it is highly offensive to suggest that Obama is not a genius. Similarly, it is also highly offensive to suggest that Palin might not be an idiot. It is also highly offensive to criticize Obama and his mindless supporters. It is, however, acceptable to throw insults at Republicans, as well as to throw any charge that comes to mind at Bush, no matter how outrageous– be it liar, murderer, war criminal, etc., etc.– because he is a Republican and he is George W. Bush and he therefore must deserves it.

          7. Bob, I’m not even going to your boilerplate recitation of things I never said…it’s irrelevant. However, no one suggested that Bush’s IQ is lower because of legacy admissions as you did with Obama due to his race. And that’s a fact.

          8. Incidentally, may I point out that this thread started with an attack on Sarah Palin with the usual charge of her being stupid. You took up the challenge and added your own insulting remarks re Palin. But I’m highly offensive when I argue that Obama is not a genius. Not that I argued that Obama is a moron and is stupid, mind you, like you regularly do with Republicans and with me personally, but only that he is not a genius. But here in Barackistan, such remarks are not to be tolerated. They are labelled as “highly offensive.”

          9. Yeah, whatever.

            Just out of curiosity, what is the correct manner in which to question the president’s policies without being “highly offensive”? Should I emulate your style in calling Bush a chickenhawk who “gleefully” sent other people’s children off to death? That was charming. Should I call Obama a liar like the left routinely did and still does with Bush? Should I perhaps call him a moron as you and others regularly called GWB? How about a “hypocrite”? How about those attacks from you and similarly minded shitheads that Bush wanted black people to die during the aftermath of Katrina and acted in a way to cause black people to die? It occurs to me, shitbird, that you just possibly ain’t the one to be giving me or anybody else, outside of maybe outlaw biker gangs or other gatherings of psychopaths, lectures on civility. You and your merry crew of liberal Democratic dbags pretty much set the gold standard for the “highly offensive” in politics.

            Anybody such as you who regularly states that Republican politicians are idiots, morons and liars should keep his mouth shut about people being offensive. Anybody such as you who constantly launches childish ad hominem attacks about tea partiers, Glen Beck and Rush Limbaugh should not complain about others being offensive. And as for charging Republican politicians with being morons and idiots, I’m afraid that you just demonstrate what a moron and idiot you are in launching such ridiculous attacks.

            The web site and article I provided re the alleged astronomical IQ of the Great One is just one of several sources I could cite. Obama keeps his academic records out of bounds. And as I’ve pointed out before, I wonder… Oh… I wonder why that should be?Enough is known about his marks and test scores, however, that we can be sure his IQ does not range into the 130s such as McCain. His SAT scores from the several sources I found are estimated to be probably in the 1100-1200 range. Half of my homeroom section in high school could top those scores. Let’s be really generous and give him the benefit of the doubt and push it up to 1300. He still wouldn’t have made the top ten in my homeroom section. And let me just say again how sorry I am to have to burst your bubble by letting you know that Obama’s IQ and SATs don’t even come close to those of stupid little old Republican me, but that’s the way it is, PalestraJon. Sorry about that.

          10. Bob, is your ego really so big (and your accomplishments so small) that you need to turn a debate on Obama vs Palin into something about you? Then you “support” your argument with one of the most partisan, offensive and one-sided blogs I have ever read. Nothing in that blog post is remotely scientific, especially when he assumes that a predicted 140 IQ for Obama has to be discounted for affirmative action.
            The fact is that no one knows what Obama’s IQ is, nor does it matter worth a lick. Anyone with any sense knows that he is far more intelligent than Sarah Palin, a woman who took 7 years to finish college and could not put together a cohesive sentence in an interview a 5th grader would breeze through. You talk about the teleprompter thing (again, a Rushian talking point, but of course, you invent the talking points, you don’t repeat them) but ignore the hundreds of intelligent interviews Obama has given without a teleprompter or notes (which Palin had and still looked idiotic).
            Go ahead and attack the President for his policies, but the manner in which you attack him here is highly offensive and is far beneath someone of your great intellect. (Of course, we are assuming you are telling the truth about your board scores and accept that they are purely correlative of IQ—a dubious proposition—but we will accept it for the purpose of this thread). A true intellect like yourself would be expected to point out actual misstatements or indication that he does not understand important concepts,

        4. My dear PalestraJon and Johnny Goodtimes,

          Since you people seem to want numbers and details, we’ll talk numbers and details. I took the SAT on two separate occasions in 1968, the year I graduated from high school. My initial scores were a varbal score of 735 and a math score of 785. My second set of scores were verbal 770 and math 745. So my best combined score was 1555. (And I really do not give a fuck if you believe me or not, PalestraJon.) I will also point out that it is generally considered that scores in the 1960-1970 decades would translate into higher scores today.

          In 1972, I took the GRE tests and recorded a combined score of 1485. I forget the math and verbal breakdown. I can only assume that the decline in test scores was the result of frying portions of my brain in my undergraduate years. A numer of years later, 1988, I again took the GRE. I recall there were then three sections, which if I remember correctly were math, verbal and analysis. My scores in all three sections were well above 700: 750 in math, 775 in verbal, and 745 in analysis.

          I won a National Merit Scholarship while in high school. My recollection was that this placed me well above the top 1/2% of the country’s graduating seniors. There were four Merit finalists in my high school class of 800 students. I was the single Merit Scholarship winner in the graduating class. Of 800 seniors.

          I believe I could have been accepted at almost any school in the U.S. in 1968. I’m not sure that would be true today. Probably not. But at any rate, I come from a family of five, all of whom hoped to receive a college education, and I was not in a financial position to attend an Ivy League school. I won a full tuition scholarship, including room and board to a small liberal arts school, and accepted it. The rest, as they say, is history.

          Now the best available info I can find on Obama’s estimated IQ and SAT scores is in the article below:

          So, I do not hesitate to say, my dear PalestraJon, that based on the best available information, that my IQ is very probably higher, and, in fact, is very probably substantially higher, than Barack Obama’s. I’m sorry to burst your little bubble, but that’s just the way it is.

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