Kristy and Koob Hosting Quizzo Tonight!

kristykoobAs you kids probably know, I decided to get a head start on fall by heading up to Maine for the week. But I have left the empire in good shape, as Koob and Kristy take over quizzo tonight, and then Mike Minion hosts it Wednesday and Thursday. Tonight, the Double K Duo hits up O’Neals at 8 p.m. and Bards at 10:15 p.m. There is no bounty at Bards, since Koob is hosting, but that means that your team might actually have a chance of winning. I suspect a few Steakheads will be there, so remember the Shaker rule…while team size remains 8 everywhere else, you can play with as many people as you want at the Bards.

As for Maine, it is awesome. we are staying at a place called Peak’s Island, which is off the coast of Portland. 4 restaurants and a small grocery store. Went into Portland yesterday and walked around, then got the awesome lobster stew at Norm’s East End. Came back to the Island and got steamed lobster for dinner (Only $18!) Now we’re off for a bike ride around the island. And then I’m guessing something involving lobster for dinner. Just a hunch.

FUN LOBSTER FACT: This was actually in a quizzo question a couple of weeks ago, but I thought this was kind of funny. A Texas A&M professor says in this column about the history of seafood prices, “It was considered a trash fish — it was not something you’d want to be seen eating. In colonial America servants negotiated agreements that they would not be forced to eat lobster more than twice a week.”

One thought on “Kristy and Koob Hosting Quizzo Tonight!

  1. Thanks Goodtimes! We really did have a blast hosting last night, and we especially enjoyed meeting the awesome bartenders at Oneals. Next time, we will have to be a little more diligent with checking around for the use of cellular devices- as a few little birdies (heck, pretty much a flock) advised us that there may have been a few under the table googling- not pointing fingers- just saying- the newbies are catching on, so watch out!
    Also, just a reminder while you are up in Maine gorging yourself on red crustaceans: lobsters mate for life- so, every time you take a bite, I hope that you remember you are taking away someone's soulmate. How does that taste drenched in butter?

    -Kristy B

    P.S. Happy Birthday John Kenny!

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