Why Are There Two Bottles of Soy Sauce In My Flower Box?

IMG_1902I got home from lunch at Paesano’s* and noticed a few items had been tossed into my flowerbox. Now, the empty bottle of Bud Ice was no big surprise. There are virtually no trashcans in my neighborhood, so my flowerbox becomes a de facto trashcan fairly regularly. But that is where the mystery begins. Underneath the Bud Ice can were not one but two unopened bottles of Soy Sauce. Who was on their way home and decided, “You know what, these two bottles of soy sauce were luxury items. I don’t need these.”? I mean, I could see one bottle of soy sauce. But two? Could someone have put them down to tie their shoe and then gotten home and realized they left them somewhere? If you or anyone you know is missing two bottles of soy sauce, please tell them that Johnny Goodtimes has them and has not thrown them away. I gotta be honest, though, they’ve kinda put me in the mood for sushi.


*The Arista is the best sandwich in the city. Hands down.

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