$175 on the Line Tonight!

bounty3The biggest Big Money Tuesday ever goes down tonight. We start at O’Neals at 8 p.m., where the winner walks with the biggest first place gift certificate on the circuit, $50. 2nd Place gets $25. Lots of parity at O’Neals, with three different winners in the last three weeks, so your team’s got just a good a shot as any to take the crown.

On to the Bards, where I have doubled the bounty on Steak Em Up. That’s right, anyone who can knock off Steak Em Up tonight walks with a $40 gift certificate and $40 cash. Action starts at 10:15 p.m. Oh, and I’d expect a beer question or two this week due to Beer Week.

As for last night, quizzo at the POPE was awesome. Packed house, fun quiz, and my first ever joker quiz. I’ll post some of the questions tomorrow. I would have done it today but I got a little too tipsy last night and had to sleep in. If you ever see me doing a shot of Jameson’s in the future, please advise me to put it down and just go the hell home. Your cooperation is appreciated in advance.

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