- Its seeds are found on rye bread and its essential oil is used in kummel liquer.
- What is the longest river in Canada, named for the explorer who travelled on it.
- What 7 letter palindrome are you most likely to find at the Daytona 500?
- Fill in the blank on the Ice Cube song: How to survive in _____ ________. The place where bustin a gat is fundamental.
- To the nearest million, how many people live in Los Angeles?
- What is the name of Dog the Bounty Hunters wife?
- This Roman Catholic priest from Belgium who worked with lepers in Molokai just got canonized by the pope.
- The book and movie Alive were about a plane that crashed on October 13th, 1972. What country were the rugby players on board that plane from?
- Sammy Hagar turns 62 today. He named his brand of tequila after a Van Halen song. What is the name of the tequila?
- The Razzies for Worst Picture in 1995 and 1996 were both given to movies that dealt with the same profession. What profession was it?
- caraway
- MacKenzie
- Racecar
- South Central (NSFW)
- 4 million
- Beth
- Father Damien
- Uruguay
- Cabo Wabo
- Stripping; Striptease and Showgirls
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