Quizzo Bowl Tickets Now On Sale!

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Tickets to Quizzo Bowl IV are on sale now! Just click here or on the link on the upper right hand side of the page and place your order. I found a great fair trade ticket service called Brown Paper Tickets. There is a ridiculously cheap $1.61 surcharge to order online. Tickets are $25 (plus sucharge) per person in advance, $30 at the door. That $25 covers not only the Quiz, Black Elvis, and the Legendary WID, it also covers your drinks, courtesy of SlyFox Beer. Oh, and keep in mind, there is going to be a documentary team there, so your win won’t only secure your team $600 cash and free subscriptions to Zipcar, but immortalization in film! I will have tickets ($25 flat) on sale at quizzo starting on Wednesday. Team max is 8 people, and if you attend, you must play. If you have any questions, let me know.

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