Quizzo Bowl Update

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Been getting a lot of questions lately about QB4, and rightfully so. Usually, this is around the time of year that we do it. Well, due to a number of factors (a harder time than expected working something out with World Cafe Live, spring breaks, beer festivals, weddings, etc.), we have had to push it back this year. But no big whoop. I have a date tentatively set (March 29th), but I need to make sure I can get the band here on that date. Once they give me the OK (hopefull by the start of next week), I think I can sign the paperwork and we can start moving forward. As I said before, I think I have the venue I want, and it is a freaking awesome venue, but I want to have it in writing before I go off blabbing about it too much. Just trust me, it’s going to be off the chain. Thanks for your patience. -Mgmt.

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