Philly Style Pizza

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Philly Style Pizza was the first place I ever ate in Phialdelphia. My girlfriend at the time and I were returning from New York, where I had gone, hoping to find a job and an apartment. I had found neither, and had had a really terrible time up there. So we decided to swing by Philly to order a cheesesteak on our ride back, and randomly ended up at Philly Style Pizza, and got a kickass cheesesteak. The next thing you know I was moving here. So I’ve always had a soft spot in my heart for PSP, and still occasionally swing by for a cheesesteak, which, like I said, are really good there. But this time I swung by for a pizza while I was being interviewed by the Metro. The pizza itself was damn good. A sweet sauce, good crust, just the right amount of cheese, cute girls working the register. But there was one problem. I asked for a slice with onions and hot peppers and when the slice came out, it was covered with uncooked onions and hot peppers. They had made it like they were making a salad, with everything raw. And the toppings cost 50 cents apiece. Weak. I’m gonna give these guys the benefit of the doubt, b/c their cheesesteak brought me here, but I can’t give ’em higher than a three on sentimentality and good sauce alone.