The Greatest Email Ever

OK, so I posted a couple of things about a local rapper named Chase Millionz, posting a couple of funny stories about how the Jams were big fans of his. Click here to read Story #1 and Story #2. So you can imagine my excitement when I went to check my computer this morning and received the following e-mail: Hey man, I saw your two articles on ‘Chase Millionz’. Too damn funny. How did you know that I rap? I’m sending you a few of my songs. If you like them, feel free to play them anywhere you want. If you have any other questions, let me know. Keep doin’ how you do! You’re the best!!!

That’s right, an email from Chase Millionz himself! This makes it official. Johnny Goodtimes and Chase Millionz are hereby joining forces to take over this city, and is now your official quizzo and Chase Millionz headquarters. Here’s his myspace profile, on which you can hear him rap! If you scroll down a little bit you can check out some of his other tunes. Johnny Goodtimes: Just Doin’ How He Do. I think I’ve got a new motto.