Furry Lap Flounders win at Havana

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There was nothing fishy about the Furry Lap Flounders win at Havana on Monday night, as they took the lead early and held it throughout. Despite their win and the fact that they were really nice, they were not Johnny’s favorite team. You get three guesses to find out which one was.
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The Bojangles
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Courtney’s 21st Birthday
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Hal from Cal
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Roast Beef (aka the Meat Curtain)

Quizzo in D.C.

The following report comes from former Defective Sidewalker Hilary Swankie, who is now an official JGT correspondant in Washington DC. She played DC quizzo last night. Here is her report:
So I went to “trivia night” last night. For starters, they call it trivia
night, not quizzo. I was with 2 former Philly people who were similarly
distraught about the lame name. It was completely disorganized, they had
three, I repeat, THREE, people hosting, checking answers, etc, there was no
music between rounds, their jokes weren’t funny, and it was seven (and again I must repeat SEVEN) rounds. I could go on and on. Now, my team came in 3rd but if they were smart and made each round worth more points (which they should have because they got increasingly harder), we would have killed. But instead they were lame and not funny. Not saying I won’t go back again but I will say, it ain’t no Johnny Goodtimes quizzo.

Your Grey’s Anatomy Cliff Notes

Thanks for coming to johnnygoodtimes.com, your Grey’s Anatomy headquarters. The women in the show were all total bitches last night. Meredith cried during sex that, I might remind the reader, she initiated (bitch move), and that one lady runs out on her fiancee right before he has heart surgery (total bitch move). McDreamy’s ex-wife (now renewed) totally gets her comeuppance for her bitch move, and it looks like she is really gonna get it next week, when Meredith is gonna take her husband back from her. Izzy has the hots for some dude with heart issues, which is pissing off Alec, but it’s not really a bitch move. He deserves it. What was he thinking when he cheated on her with that girl with the tiny mouth? Dumbass.

Johnny declares official theme for March

You know it’s a slow news day when one of the top news stories at philly.com is about loitering. I hope that this article is the first in a five part series. “Tommorrow, come face to face with a man who double parked in South Philly.” But back to loitering. I’m a big fan of loitering. I think it’s a great concept. I mean, do we constantly have to be moving forward? Can’t we take a few minutes to loaf, to loiter on the way there? In fact, I say we defy these do-gooders who want us to move more and contemplate less. I am declaring March to be National Loiterers Month. I hope you will join me in loitering as much as possible, if only for a few seconds, just to defy those who are trying to take away our right as Americans to loiter.

Great Mitch Hedberg Lines

Dunno if you guys know who Mitch Hedberg is, but he’s this hilarious comedian who died last year. I just stumbled across some of his great lines and thought I would share. Enjoy!
-Last night my friend drank 26 bottles of O’Douls… He is a non-alcoholic.
-I would imagine that if you could understand Morse code, a tap dancer would drive you crazy.
-I’m against picketing, but I don’t know how to show it.
-I wanted to buy a candle holder, but the store didn’t have one. So I got a cake.
-I think foosball is a combination of soccer and shish kabobs.
-I remixed a remix, it was back to normal.
-I like Kit-Kat, unless I’m with four or more people.
-I bought myself a parrot. The parrot talked. But it did not say, “I’m hungry,”… so it died.
-Dogs are forever in the push up postion.
-Chicago is known as the Windy City, and Montana is called the Big Sky State, so I think that we should somehow combine the two to create the ultimate kite-flying experience.
-A waffle is like a pancake with syrup traps. It says to the syrup “You ain’t goin’ anywhere!”
-A severed foot is the ultimate stocking stuffer.
-The depressing thing about tennis is that no matter how good I get, I’ll never be as good as a wall.