Pompeiian Porn Perplexes Publication

Philly Mag refused to run an ad created by the Brownstein Group for the restaurant Pompeii because it was a little too racy (Even saucier than the one above! For more info about Pompeiian porn and more saucy pics, click here). Here’s more info, from Michael Kline’s Inqlings column yesterday:

Ad-itude adjustment

No sex allowed in Philadelphia Magazine. On the other hand, the rival Philadelphia Style is all for it.

The Brownstein Group, an ad shop that reps the Center City restaurant Pompeii, created a print ad based on the image of a 2,000-year-old Pompeiian fresco. The fresco depicts a man and a woman in a compromising position.

Brownstein submitted the Pompeii ad to both pubs last month. Philly Style accepted it, but Philly Mag rejected it. “I like sexiness in our magazine, but sex is a little bit too much,” president David Lipson said yesterday.

Rather than face creative ruin, Brownstein designed a new ad – showing only the couple’s faces – and added the tag line: “This magazine thinks this 2,000-year-old Pompeiian fresco is too explicit. We think it’s explicitly delicious.” Brownstein set up a Web site www.explicitlydelicious.com that shows the entire image and allows the public to vote on whether it’s too racy. There’s also a 10 percent coupon for Pompeii.

Philly Mag agreed to run the bowdlerized version in the current issue.

I say: More Pompeiian porn in local magazines! Less Stephen Starr ads!