What Podcast You Should Be Listening to: The Philly Blunt! Our interview with Jerry Blavat, the Geator with the Heater, is live! And oh man is it good. His story about Chuck Berry is worth the price of admission alone. Such an honor to sit down with such a true Philly legend, and he absolutely did not disappoint. Dick Clark, Sammy Davis Jr., Angelo Bruno: he’s got stories about all of them and they’re all terrific.
What Music You Should Be Listening to: John Morrison has been writing some solid pieces for WXPN for awhile, but lately he’s been making some new moves: He now hosts a monthly hip-hop show on WXPN called Culture Cypher. His podcast, Serious Rap S**t, just got picked up by iheartradio. And he was nice enough to put together this Youtube mix of his favorite rap songs of 2019. Some great stuff in here: check out Cam’ron’s Losin Weight, Gangstarr and J Cole Family Loyalty, and Danny Brown Best Life. You can follow John on twitter here.

Where I’m Eating: Had breakfast with Chip Chantry earlier this week at the Melrose Diner. I really want to start going there regularly. It has everything a good diner should: friendly older ladies as servers, a nice mix of people from all walks of life, and damn solid food (I had the feta and spinach omelette and was feeling a little frisky so I had them add tomato.)
What I’m reading: This article about what a heaping load of bullshit online advertising is was fascinating.
Local Instagram I’m Following: PHLBucketlist has a ton of great photos of things to do in the area. Dunno who curates it but whoever does takes some really terrific photos.
Alright, hope everyone has a safe and Happy Holiday. If you’re doing some last minute shopping, be sure to hit us up at Shibe Sports. Got lots of great unique and local gear still in stock. And be sure to follow me on twitter. We’ve got some big things planned for 2020, so stay tuned!
If you’ve missed previous Friday Fives and want some good stuff to read, eat, drink, and listen to, go here.