Quizzopatra Was Awesome

quizzopatraA fine time was had by all at the Franklin Institute, as But My Mummy Says I’m Cool took home top honors with an impressive 110. About 50 people were there to play, and were treated to a 22 minute planetarium show in addition to the quiz. I’ll post some of the questions in the coming days. I’m gonna be honest: I’m pretty proud of myself for this one. Themed quizzes on, say, Superheroes or Cartoons are not terribly difficult to find 40 questions for. Writing a 40 question quiz on someone who died 2,000 years ago who wasn’t named Jesus or Julius Caesar, not quite as easy.

Nonetheless, I was excited to see so many quizzo regulars coming out for this. Thanks to everybody who came out. The folks at the Franklin seemed pleased w/ the turnout. Hopefully, we’ll be doing more of these in the future.

Thursday Night Quizzo: Football and French Fries

frenchfry1-1Yo VIP, let’s kick it. Tonight is French Fry Thursday, and it’s gonna be good. It is also the start of the NFL season, and yes the game will be on at both the Ugly American and the Bards (There is no Phils game tonight). There will also be a fair amount of NFL questions tonight. Just a heads up, tonight is the night to bring your football guy. Or, if you are the football guy, tonight is your night to shine. And don’t freak out if you’re not a football fan, I promise not to go overboard with it. Action starts at 8 p.m. at Ugly American and Bards at 10:15 p.m. At Bards, I have lots of free t-shirts and hats to give away in a little “Name that Tune” action.

IN OTHER NEWS: It’s been a while since Palestra Jon and Bob T. have mixed it up. Finally, they’re back at it, and I jumped in the mix just for old time’s sake.

On isportacus, just to be a negative Nellie, one of the new writers posted 4 Reasons the Phillies Won’t Make the Playoffs. Got some good feedback on that.

And remember, Quizzopatra is tomorrow night. It’s gonna be a lot of fun. Kicks off at the Franklin Institute at 7 p.m., includes a 22-minute planetarium show, there will be beer, and it is FREE. Please make reservations by calling the Planetarium at 215-448-1254.

Quizzo Tonight

magic-hat-wackoLast night was weird. The day after Labor Day is always one of the slowest days of the year, though it was so slow at O’Neals that we had to cancel. But then at Bards we had a pretty damn good crowd. Bards has been rocking lately and O’Neals has been quiet. Two months ago it was the exact opposite. Quizzo is a strange beast, so no predictions on what turnout will be tonight. All we know for sure is that the Vous has some great drink specials and that your biggest target at the Black Sheep is Duane’s World. First the drink specials: Magic Hat Wacko Pints are $3 at the Vous this week, and Bud cans are only $2. Action starts at 6:15 p.m. We then move to the Black Sheep at 8 p.m. Questions are at about a medium hard level this week. Not my toughest quiz ever, but no pushover either.

JGT on TV and Other Notes

catAs we so often do, let’s begin this discussion by talking about me. I am gonna be on TV tomorrow. No for real this time. I will be on ABC at 3 p.m. on Saturday afternoon. So set those DVRs now!

As for this week, a strange week. Bards was rockin’, the Vous was good, and the other spots were fairly mellow. The good news was, we had a lot of new teams this week, several of whom finished n the Top 3. Always nice to see new faces in the crowd.

Keep in mind the Cleopatra quiz, which will be at the Franklin Institute next Friday. This is gonna be a lot of fun. In addition to the questions, there will be a full planetarium show and there are rumors of an Ancient Egyptian comedian, though these have not been confirmed as of this time. The Franklin does ask that make reservations by calling 215-448-1254. You can RSVP on facebook. Otherwise, I’m going to bug you with a facebook invite next week.

Finally, there WILL be a Labor Day quiz at Westbury with a “Labor” theme. Action starts at 10:30 p.m. Monday is also my fantasy football draft, so I am heading home to VA right now. Have a great holiday weekend everybody!

French Fry Thursday!

frenchfryY’all know what time it is! Thursday night means you have a chance to win free fries, and of course some awesome specials. At Ugly American, $1 corn dogs and a dollar off al drafts. Action starts at 8 p.m. On to the Bards at 10:15 p.m., where you can get $2.50 Lagers and Miller Lites and a shot at knocking off Steak Em Up. You gotta wonder if any of tonight’s questions will be influenced by Hurrican Earl?