Science and Humanities Week Starts Tonight

Sex, Drugs, and Rock n Roll certainly made for an interesting week, but don’t worry nerds, this week we’re coming back into your wheelhouse. All questions on Science and Humanities. Furthermore, tonight’s quiz will be hosted by Kristy B. I am currently kickin’ it in Cape Charles, VA, and will be returning tomorrow. Yes, I know I haven’t posted scores yet. But wait, I can explain! Yesterday I took a kayak tour to a winery, so needless to say I wasn’t gonna get a lot done then, and today it’s 85 and sunny and my nieces are on a beach about two blocks from where I am typing this, so I am kind of in a rush to get down there. That doesn’t mean I don’t care about you nerds. You know that I do. But I gotta get to the beach. So you may have to wait until tomorrow to get JGTSI scores updated.

As for tonight, expect a fair amount of questions on art, literature, theatre, philosophy, biology and perhaps a bit of chemistry. (Sorry, Mike Minion, no nuclear physics questions.) Kristy is writing tonight’s questions, so they should be interesting. Action starts at O’Neals at 8 p.m. and moves to City Tap House at 10:15 p.m. Tomorrow everything returns to normal, as I’ll be headed back to the big city. See ya then!

The Craziest Week of Quizzo Ever? It’s Quite Possible

Sex, Drugs, and Rock n Roll Week seemed to change everything. The Jams, Duane’s World, Steak Em Up, and L. Ron’s Diabetics all lost. (Thus confirming every stereotype you have about the relationship between nerds and sex, drugs, and rock ‘n’ roll.) Two teams won while playing their very first quizzo (7 Boobs and My Grandfather was Scottish), while the Mister Lippers won their 2nd quizzo ever.

Meanwhile, things are nuts over on the Facebook Physical Challenge Board, as people seem to have lots of pictures with themselves next to statues for some reason. If you want to score some physical challenge points, I highly suggest a trip over to facebook. You have until Monday to get a photo up of you in front of a statue.

And as if things weren’t crazy enough, Mom and Her Sun finished last at the Rendezvous, meaning I was able to capture the photo above, believed to be the first photo in world history of two black guys holding a Michael Bolton CD. They told me they were going to be blasting him on their car stereo all summer long.

I do expect things to return to some semblance of normal next week. Rejoice nerds…it’s going to be Humanities and Science week.

The Philly Team Funded by Cocaine, the Draft Day That Destroyed the Sixers, and a Mini-Stadium

The answer to this week’s question of the week was Larry Lavin. Interestingly enough, he bought one of Philly’s most historic venues in 1980, then moved a minor league basketball team in there. The end result was a disaster for the team, the arena, and for Lavin.

In 1986, the Sixers destroyed a dynasty in about half an hour. Here’s how it went down.

Ten years later, they became the only team in NBA history to spend back to back picks on future Major League baseball players.

An interview with miniature stadium creator Steve Wolf. You have to see his miniature stadiums to believe them.

Aneelio’s Fan Club Wins Wedding Quizzo

Aneelios Fan Club was the winning team at quizzo at Elizabeth and Dan’s wedding reception last Satruday night in Skippack. The bride and groom showed that they know a thing or two as well, as their team finished 2nd. If you’d like a creative way to celebrate your wedding, company meeting, birthday party, club function, or Co-Op Meeting in Baltimore, please feel free to shoot me a line.

Sex! Drugs! French Fries!

All new sex, drugs, and rock ‘n’ roll quiz tonight. So far, this has been a very interesting week, as the music round being Round Four has turned things on their head. Kick it off at Ugly American at 8 p.m. Things have been jumping there the last couple of weeks, but still no clear cut front runner. On the Bards at 10:15 p.m., where we had a huge upset last week. Tonight’s topics include porn and classic rock, so if you like either of those things, make it out tonight.

Sex Questions With Timaree

This week’s sex round was written by Dr. Timaree, who recently earned her doctorate in Human Sexuality Education from Widener University. Timaree also writes the extremely entertaining blog, where you can hear interviews with strippers, learn where the term “drag” (as in drag queen) comes from, and find out the coolest news about sex and the sexes without having to do any work (Such as how men and women vote differently on Jeopardy). And while you’re at it, Like Sex With Timaree on facebook. It’s fine. But uh, I wouldn’t suggest doing any of these things at work.