And So It Begins

I’ll be honest, I haven’t been as into this Phillies team as I have been in the past. They’re just so dominant, and had the division on lockdown for so long, that their games became merely a coronation for a division title starting in, oh, around May. Yeah, I still keep an eye on them every game, but let’s face it:  in September of 2008, we hung on every single Phillies pitch, then listened to the Mets game so we could hang on their every single pitch. This September, we kept checking our watches to see how many more days until October began.

But now, finally, we can return to that mad, mad part of our brain where reason flies out the window and subsequently we find out greatest happiness. We can go back to screaming at our televisions and hugging strangers and disregarding what medical literature says about too much alcohol consumption. We can try to explain why Charlie put Pence in the 3-hole to a cabdriver from West Africa who could really care less, but is too polite to say so. We can turn our hat backwards when the count goes to 3-2 because the last time we did that Howard got a hit, though if he strikes out this time it’s because we should have never put that damn hat on backwards again. We’ll put reason on the backburner and believe in the type of voodoo that no sane person in a civilized country should possibly believe in and second guess Charlie and then when his hunch pays off apologize for screaming at him, although he doesn’t know that we exist. We’ll explain to our wives that we would never leave them for Cliff Lee, but that if he offered to elope with us we would be foolish if we didn’t at least consider it. It’s playoff baseball, and instead of hiding our mental madness from our friends and family, we have an excuse to bask in it. We are in Philadelphia. It is 2011. Roy Halladay is on the hill. The beer is cold. Life is good.

Overrated/Underrated Discussion is Off the Charts

Getting a TON of feedback on next week’s overrated/underrated quiz. I want your feedback too! Get in on the debate. On twitter I am asking people what they think the most overrated and underrated films are of all time. On facebook, I want to know, “Who are the most overrated historical figures of all time?” Get in on the discussion and I may use your suggestion as a question next week. If you’re not on twitter or facebook, you’re a weirdo just leave your thoughts below in the comments.

JGT Power Rankings

1. Duane’s World (Black Sheep). They’ve won at Black Sheep 4 out of the last 5 weeks, but they’ll probably have to prove their mettle against the Steak to keep the top spot. Last week: #2

2. The Champs (???). Shoot to the #2 spot in the rankings with an impressive win at 1920s quiz. Anthrax says the team is in rebuilding mode, but they’re off to a good start. Last week: NR

3. Steak Em Up (Bards). A big win at the Bards, but a 2nd place finish at CTH and a 4th place finish at the 1920s quiz keep them out of the top spot. Seeing them finish 4th on Sunday was the highlight of my week (Which probably says as much about my week as anything else).  Last week: #4

4. Specific Jawns (Bards). It’s tough when you score 117 and still lose, but that’s what happened to the Jawns on Thursday at Bards. It drops them a spot in the rankings. But they remain #1 in your hearts. Last week: #3

5. The Jams (Rendezvous). Big weeks by several of their rivals and a loss at the Vous drop the Jams all the way to the #5 position. Last week: #1

6. Team Popesack (North Star). They’ve established themselves as the team to beat at North Star, and could be headed to a Bounty with another win. Last week: #6

7. Inglorious Barristers (Rendezvous). A huge win for this team at the Rendezvous. One of the biggest in their careers. There were those who thought that this team had passed its prime, but they proved the naysayers wrong on Wednesday. Last week: #9

8. L. Ron Hubbard’s Diabetics (Ugly American). A 2nd place finish at the American despite the reappearance of Marshall. Or is it, “Because of the reappearance of Marshall”? That’s one only the team can answer for sure. Last week: #5

9. Ruby Tuesday (City Tap House). A team of mercenaries, trained in the art of International trivia knowledge, they shocked the world at City Tap House on Tuesday with a 122-115 win over Steak. Last week: NR

T-10. Tooth Wind and Fire (Ugly American). A huge win for this longstanding franchise on Thursday propels them into the top 10 for the first time in years. Last week: NR

T-10. Phillie RNs (O’Neals). A huge upset at O’Neals last Tuesday, as the RNs put on a clinic. Wow, there were so many upsets last week it was impossible to keep this list at 10. Last week: NR

Also receiving votes: Misspellers, Savage Ear, Taking it to the Max, Why Can’t Us, Sister Cloon, Shoeperglue, Madame Butterface, Magnus ver Magnusson, Generic Topical Pun

Champs Win 1920s Quiz

The Champs held off a spirited crew from Topical Team Name Here to win the 1920s quiz at National Mechanics, 97-93. The quiz was a lot of fun, but the real stars of the show were the band. The Blackbird Society Orchestra was nothing short of incredible.

I’ll be honest, I was excited about this quiz, and was hoping for a slightly better turnout (we got around 30 people or so), but despite the small crowd we had a lot of fun, and I really want to hire this band again for one of our future events. The majority of the quizzo crowd may not really care much for the 1920s, but even so you’d love these guys. They were unreal.

Autumn Invitational Scores are Posted

Here they are, folks, the scores for the JGTAI after Week 1. (Each week runs Monday thru Thursday, so last night’s results at North Star are not included.) The Top 15 teams after 8 weeks will earn invites to the Fall Brawl on November 20th. Gonna have tons of awesome prizes, live music, and a chance to earn VIP seating at the Quizzo Bowl for our winners. Top 10 teams will be in the running for a bonus prize, and the team with most physical challenge points wins a great prize as well. It is still way early in the contest, so don’t fret if you didn’t score in Week 1. There is plenty of time to catch up. Not only at our regular quizzes, but every two weeks or so there will be a bonus quiz where you can earn double points, like the Champs did on Sunday at the 1920s quiz. Next Bonus Quiz will be October 9th, and I’ll have details posted tomorrow. Going to be a fundraiser for an awesome cause. There are also talks of a Twin Peaks quiz on October 16th and perhaps a baseball quiz later in October as well. More details coming soon.

Fashion, Football, and Fritos Week

Going to be a very interesting week of quizzo this week, as our topics will be fashion, football (both American and futbol), and in honor of Arch West, junk food. I would highly suggesting adding a sports guy, if you haven’t already, and adding a fashion fan (and I’m going to go out on a limb and say that there will be no one person to fulfill both roles on your team.) And all of you baseball nuts who are jumping up and down with no baseball round with the playoffs starting this week, don’t you worry. Baseball questions are on teh horizon. Just gonna wait until we’re a little farther along in the playoffs.

Meanwhile, over on Facebook I am requesting your input for next week’s questions. Next week is going to be Overrated/Underrated Week, and all this week I am going to be asking you for things you think are overrated or underrated. Today, we start with movies. Post movies you think are overrated either on facebook or in comments below. After today, I’ll have you send me messages (We can’t have everyone seeing the answers). Anyways, I will be using your input on things that overrated and underrated to form many of next week’s questions. Should be fun.

Finally, I have added a new facebook physical challenge. And in lieu of some people requesting that they be more difficult, I am going to make this one a bit tougher. But you only need to get 2 photos to earn a max 6 points, as the photos will be worth 3 points each. I need you to get a pic of yourself in front of the two Charles Dickens statues on earth. (Either one is fine, though I doubt many of you will make the trip to Sydney). Hope to see ya this week!