Sign Ups for Week of June 8

OK, I think we could all use a deep breath here. The seasons and tournaments and so forth have been a lot of fun but also kind of insane and the last thing any of us needs right now is more insanity. So this week let’s take it easy: one quizmaster, one quiz, one team. Cost is $35, with $5 of each sign up going straight to the Poor People’s Economic Human Rights Campaign. To sign up, just put your team name, captain’s name and email into our Google signup sheet.

Quizzo Update

Hey guys, hope everyone is hanging in there. Wanted to send out a note about upcoming quizzes: we’ll be continuing our tournament for the rest of this week. Anyone who lost last week is welcome to play the regular quiz.

Next week, we’re going back to what we started with: one host, one team, and anyone can play. No tourneys, no season, let’s just get back together and hang out a bit and play some quizzo. For teams that already signed up, we’ll probably still do it in a few weeks, so we’ll hold on to your info for now. (If you paid already, I’ll pay you back.) I’ll have that sign up sheet ready in a few days. Thank you!

A Tie Atop the Leaderboard in Our Regular Quizzes Last Week

Congrats to Chasing Olive and Hydroxychloroquine Latifah (great team name, btw), who tied atop the regular quiz leaderboard with 42. Here are the rest of the scores from last week:

1. Hydroxychloroquine Latifa42
T-1. Chasing Olive42
3. Clizby’s Chocolate room39
4. The Quarantiners38
5. The Covidiots36
6. Self-Contained Hootenanny35
7. Dobby’s Sock34
8. Jawn of the dead33
9. Quick Question33
10. Carole’s Husband33
11. Core-entine29
12. What About Bob?29
13. Team Marren27
14. Socially Distant26
15. Covid Baskin and the Quarantiger Kings14

Sign Ups for Week of May 25

Starting a little early this week with sign ups for next week for our general quiz. If you haven’t played before, it’s pretty simple: you pay $30 and pick your time and put your captains email address. You can have up to 8 players on your team. You’ll get an email from your quizmaster with your zoom address the day of the quiz and forward it to your teammates. Then you’ll meet your quizmaster at the allotted time, your team will work together to answer questions, and the QM will keep your score. At the end of the week, we’ll add up the scores and post them. Hope to see ya next week!

WANNA PLAY THIS WEEK? We’ve still got a few openings here for Thursday and Friday night.

Scores from Week of May 4

Congrats to I’m Already Failing This, who took the title two weeks ago (Sorry it took me so long to post).

I’m Already Failing This45
Carole’s Husband44
It’s All Pipes42
Quick Question41
Jawnin that Jawn37
Social Blumpkins33
Dobby’s Sock33
Covid Baskin and the quarantiger kings33
The Escape Artists29
The Quarantiners28

Quizzo Sign Ups for Week of May 18

Sign ups are live for this week’s regular quizzes! Even if you’re not in the World Cup, you can still have fun with your friends and play with some of our best quizmasters, all for just $30 per team.

For those of you who haven’t done so before, the game is played as follows: you and up to 7 of your teammates join a quizmaster in Zoom, who asks you three rounds of 8 questions each and keeps your score.