The Best Thing to Happen to Philly Since Milton Street

This saga between FOX29 and Wilson Goode, Jr. is the gift that just keeps on giving. First the whole Latrice Bryant’s homeade KKK sign drama, then Dolemite shows up and starts crashing into a FOX29 reporter. (Video well worth watching. It’s amazing.) We cannot wait to see what happens next. It is times like this that I really, really love this city. (Amazing Latrice photo from Philebrity who took it from Latrice’s Myspace page.)

Why All the Fuss?

Was I the only one taken aback by how Sarah Palin was essentially sabotaged by the mainstream media yesterday? There were rumors that her daughter had given birth to her 5th baby (not true) and that she used to belong to a fringe political party (not true) Yes, her 17 year old daughter is pregnant, to which anyone with any sense can only reply: who cares? If she had encouraged her daughter to get an abortion when she is firmly pro-life, then yes, it would have been a major story. But she didn’t and, well, it isn’t. I think her daughter being pregnant has about the same amount of relevance in this race as Jamie Lynn Spears getting pregnant. None. As for the “radical” political party she supposedly belonged to, well, she didn’t (unless you count recent Republican positions as radical). Her husband did. And, unless you count Libertarians as radical, then the Alaskan Independence Party is not really all that fringe (especially compared with the Weathermen). The only thing that smells all that fishy to me is the whole Safety Commissioner Dismissal, which is about on par with plagiarizing speeches and law review articles.

Listen, I stand against pretty much every thing Sarah Palin stands for politically. But all this drummed up horses*** about how she’s a terrible pick is ridiculous. These out of control attacks on her about pointless minutae reek of the type of sexism that Clinton complained about in the primaries. At the time, I thought she was being a whiner. Now I’m not so sure.


Really, his convention role is unclear? I think it should be very clear: John Edwards may not come within 2,000 miles of the convention. What a skeevy snake. My favorite line in all of this so far came from a Huffington Post commenter: Who says a $400 haircut doesn’t get you chicks? It was the HP that raised some questions about Rielle Hunter in the first place, back in September. Off to Phils game. Scoreboard manana.

The Obama-Che connection?

Interesting column in the LA TImes about how the artist who created the Obama Hope posters used the famous Che Guevara look from his iconic photograph as his model:
So it shouldn’t be a surprise that L.A. artist Shepard Fairey, in his design for a Sen. Barack Obama poster, looked to Korda’s Che. Fairey’s Obama is not wearing a beret, and he’s looking left instead of right, but his face tilts at the same angle as Che’s. His jaw is set with the same willfulness and strength, and he too is gazing recognizably upward into the future (hasta la victoria siempre . . . ). Obama’s eyes, though, are filled not with righteous anger but with vague and lofty hope.
I have a feeling Parsnip is going to have a field day with this one.

Michelle Malkin Hit By Train, America Rejoices

In a rare event that brought all Americans together, Michelle Malkin was hit by a train today. The neocon commentator, who earlier this week said that Dunkin Donuts ads gave comfort to the enemy, was hit by the train only moments after this picture was taken by me.

“I asked her to move a little to the left, a little to the left, a little to the left, and next thing you know, she got hit by that train,” I said. “This has really been a tragic accident. I feel awful. Well, not awful, but I don’t feel good about causing Michelle Malkin to get hit by that fast-moving train. Well, at least I don’t feel GREAT about it.”

Malkin, who is actually an evil racist robot, suffered severe circuitry damage. “We don’t know if we can save her, after she got hit by that train,” said Malkin creator David Duke.

Ticker tape parades were being scheduled in several major cities, with Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter proclaiming, “This is a great day for America. It is nice to know that, as of today, there is one less evil racist robot in the world, thanks to that fast-moving train.”

Condolences for the racist, whiny, snivelling, squawking robot were non-existent.

Robert Gates: Appeaser

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A few quick words from Robert Gates, US Secretary of Defense, about Iran the day before Bush made his appeasers remark in Israel:
“We need to figure out a way to develop some leverage . . . and then sit down and talk with them,” Gates said. “If there is going to be a discussion, then they need something, too. We can’t go to a discussion and be completely the demander, with them not feeling that they need anything from us.”

Oops. What he meant to say was, “What’s going to happen if Iran doesn’t do exactly what we say? My prediction: Pain.