JGTAI Scores with One Night Left to Play


For several teams, tonight is the night. They will either earn an invite or blow their chance. The updated, current scores of teams who still have a shot of earning an invite are below. Teams in blue would make the cut if the season ended today, teams in black would not. That said, teams near the bottom in blue may want to play tonight to make sure they stay on the list.

Keep in mind two things: this is double points week, so a victory is worth 10 and 2) Industry is the most wide open quiz on the circuit, with no dominant team. If you are hoping to earn an invite, be there tonight at 6:30 (though let’s be honest it really doesn’t start until 6:45). It’s that simple. Bards is a bit more challenging, as you need to get by the Jesters, but they lost last week, so it is possible. Action starts there at 9 p.m. $3 beers at both spots. See you tonight!

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JGTAI Scores With One Week Left to Play


Here ya go. Our scores with one week left to play in the JGTAI. Plenty of chances to get into the yellow and red if your team isn’t already there…all quizzes this week will be double points quizzes. If you’re looking for a win, your best bets are probably North Star and Industry. There will be two different quizzes this week, so you will have two shots to win. And lots of questions on facebook. Get your team out to quizzo this week to earn a spot in the prestigious Big Event on November 17th.

JGTAI Scores Posted


After the jump, our scores in the JGTAI with two weeks left to play (not including Wild Card Week). The teams ranked up to 15 would earn an invite if the season ended today. If you’re team is in the blue, there is still good news: You’ve got a shot to score a ton of points this week. Anyone who wears a Halloween outfit or wears orange and black outfit to quizzo this week earns their team a point. The more teammates that do it, the more points scored. And you can still earn points by tweeting that you’re playing my quiz or by answering the daily questions on facebook. Should be a race to the finish these last two weeks! The Big Event is November 17th at CTH with live music and lots of prizes.

Continue reading “JGTAI Scores Posted”

Yards Presents All-Philly Quiz on Friday Night at the Fleisher!


We’ve got an awesome quizzo event going down this Friday night at the Fleisher! We’re doing a quiz on all things Philadelphia. From Tastycakes to Ron Jaworski to the Roots to William Penn, we’re gonna find out how much you know about your home city. And thanks to our friends at Yards, we can do it for an awesome price….$10 admission, and that includes the quiz, live music from The Naked Sun, and beer from Yards.

Furthermore, we’re in an awesome venue, the Fleisher Art Memorial at 7th and Catherine. If you’ve never checked out the space, you’re really gonna dig it. Historic Philadelphia is gonna help us out plenty of great Philly-centric prizes. And best of all, Jesters of Tortuga will not be there, so it’s anybody’s ballgame.

Doors open at 7, quiz starts at 8. Hope to see ya on Friday!

UPDATE: There will be a Dadz Grilled Cheese truck there if you want to grab a bite to eat tonight at the quiz!

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JGTAI Scores


Here they are, our scores after 5 weeks (these don’t include last night’s games). Three more weeks in the regular season, then a wild card week. The Big Event will be on November 17th. A few quick notes:

I only had one question of the day last week, so I’m gonna double up and post a bunch of questions this week on the JGT Facebook page. Great way to earn points.

Also, I’m posting a Physical Challenge this week on the facebook page as well.

And remember, you can also earn point by mentioning my quiz on twitter…that your team is playing, what place you finished, how much you hated the wild card round…anything.

Double points quiz at Industry on Thursday. And Triple points quiz at the Fleisher on Friday.

JGTAI Scores Are Posted


Here ya go, our scores after 4 weeks of the JGTAI. Savage Ear holds an early lead, but can they retain the top spot?

Teams in yellow would be up for a bonus prize, teams in red would be given an invite, and teams in blue have some work to do.

But never fear, you can earn points quickly. Mention JGT Quizzo on twitter and get a bonus point. Answer one of the daily questions on facebook and earn two. And of course there are double points quizzes each week. Hope to see ya next week!

Autumn Invitational Scores After Three Weeks


Well we’re three weeks in and things are starting to shape up. Here’s our current standings. The Jesters of Tortuga will be allowed back in the game this week after their 3 week probation. And the DOUBLE POINTS QUIZZES this week will be at North Star and the Bards. Remember, you can score points for your team by answering questions at the JGT Facebook page or by tweeting about quizzo.