It’s back, and more sinister than you ever imagined! We’re taking aim at Santa Claus, Christmas Carols, Ebenezer Scrooge, and the Hallmark Channel as the War on Quizmas gets underway this week. (And this quiz isn’t just for gentiles, as we’ll be battling Hanukkah too.)
Best chance to get a win? Definitely Loco Pez. Though Founding Fathers has been a little light the last couple of weeks, could be a chance to sneak a win there. Dock Street is pure mayhem. Deli at Dwell and Birra both very winnable quizzes. Here’s your schedule for the War. I better see ya at quizzo this week: that’s an order, soldier!
Loco Pez 7 PM
Founding Fathers 8 PM
Dock Street 8 PM
Deli at Dwell 7 PM
Birra 8 PM