The third annual April Madness is here, and this year with a twist. Carl wanted to call it “April Mayhem” but that’s because, despite my ongoing efforts to teach him the importance of tradition and pageantry, he just can’t seem to get it through his head. This is the third annual April Madness! You can’t change the name of something when it gets to the third year! But he’s running the damn thing so in an effort to make labor peace maybe we’ll call it April Madness Mayhem. Or would it be April Mayhem Madness? Anyways, we’re masters at branding. Here are the details of whatever the hell it is:
8 games, starting the week of April 11th (NEXT week!), ending in early June.
All quizzes will be 4 rounds, in breakout room sessions only, on Tuesday & Wednesday nights (you play one night/week). This will be the same as JGT’s weekly quiz.
The first 5 weeks will be the “regular season” for seeding purposes. Then week 6 is when the MAYHEM begins…
Teams will be “PAIRED” with their inversely-seeded counterparts for a 3-week MAYHEM series. In other words, the top-seeded team will have their scores combined with the bottom-seeded team’s, the 2nd-seed’s with 2nd-to-last-seed’s, etc. The two teams with the highest combined score after those 3 games take the 1st place prize. No need for consolation brackets- literally every team will have a chance to win the championship!
REGISTER HERE. Please note that Venmo & PayPal payments should go to Carl now (Johnny got flagged as an oligarch).
SIGN UP FOR YOUR WEEKLY SESSIONS HERE. If it is truly impossible for your team to play on Tuesdays at 9 or Wednesdays at 7:45, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Carl, and he’ll try his best to work something out.
Hope to see you next week!