A good week on the quiz circuit, with nice crowds at all of our quizzes. Thanks to everyone who came out this week. We had an upset at the Ugly, a shootout at the Black Sheep, and the Jams just kept on rolling. Next week is ladies week. Now, that doesn’t mean that only ladies can play, but it means that questions will be designed with the ladies in mind. Can I do this without being labeled a sexist? I have no idea. But famous women, fashion, Kool and the Gang songs, and probably a few questions written by my wife will all be play. Should be a fun quiz.
In other news…if you are a Republican, please remember to vote for Steve-O on Tuesday. He’s gotten endorsements from the Inquirer and the Daily News, and he’s hoping to pull the upset.
And speaking of democracy, be sure to vote for your favorite Phillies moustache in the Phillysportshistory.com Face Furniture Contest.
Thanks JGT. And if you have no reason to vote for any of my opponents, please ONLY vote for me in my race. It’s the way to maximize the impact of a vote for me.
All the best and thanks to all who supported and helped. The quizzo community really did a great job.