Meet Tonight’s Contestants

Thanks, everybody, for coming out to Doc’s last night. A crowd of over 70 was on hand to see Jenny Goodtimes perform, and she didn’t disappoint. Here are tonight’s contestants, and the reasons they think they should be the next JGT. Jam Master Sean will be hosting at O’Neals, and the Kid will be at the Bards. Also, keep in mind that the judges will be looking at who you are voting for, so be sure to vote for who you think should advance to the next round.
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-I can undoubtedly and consistently show up 5 to 15
minutes past when I’m due. Ask any of my employers or
former employers.
-My voice is extremely deep. True story. Think
Michael Gerald or Calvin Johnson. Don’t know them?
Well, you don’t know me yet either. I know what
you’re thinking, but it doesn’t sound sexy. Just
-Reading and arithmetic haven’t posed major problems
for me as of late.
-You won’t feel intimidated by my fashion sense or
facial hair. I possess neither.
-One of my friends mentioned how I tend to drink when
I play quizzo. That’s when I play. Hosting is a
different story. I will stay sober unless the crowd
sends me drinks. Which you are welcome to do. Just
don’t tell the boss about it.
-I’m from the streets.
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Being a mortgage broker lets
me meet new people every day in my job and I feel this would be a strong
asset because it has help me developed my people skills. I can be placed in
any type of group of people and find a way to fit in with everyone.
Watching you run Quizzo’s on Tuesday nights at O’Neal’s has been a great
experience and is something I would love to do! My work schedule allows me
set my own hours (which in turn means I have no problems being there every
Monday), I own a car (this means I will not be late), I have a digital
camera & IPOD (for the pictures of the team winners and for the always
fantastic music that needs to be played), and I am on the internet at work
(this is very import so I can e-mail you the results of the team winners and
pictures of the team). I know if you give me this opportunity to assist you
on Monday nights I WILL NOT LET YOU DOWN! Being a very responsible person
has made me very successful in business and intern has made me a very happy
person to be around with. I know how to have a great time and how to make
sure everyone has a great time with me!