Quizzo Tonight at the Westbury

ricflairThe Invitational kicks off tonight at the Westbury, where a last place finish last week due to a Musical Theatre Round led to the round of my choice this week. Here’s the details, from quizmaster Mike Minion.

Once again, JGT put together a team to play my quizzo last week, and once again, the result was , shall we say, less than spectacular.  After all, last place is “less than spectacular”, is it not?  The upshot is that he and his cronies got to pick this week’s theme round. Being the highbrow intellectuals that they are, they chose a topic that virtually defines the literati -PRO WRESTING.  So put down your glass of merlot, pick up a PBR, and come on over to The Westbury tonight for a round of wrasslin’.   The steel-cage brain slam starts at 10:30.   For you wrestling fans, that’s when the little hand is between the 10 and the 11 and the big hand is straight down.  Oh, and make sure the sun is down, because the clock looks like that TWICE a day.  Anyway, prizes are $40 for first and $20 for second, and (as usual) there will be plenty of good beer specials.   Hope to see you there.  P.S. Don’t tell anyone, but I actually LOVE pro wrestling. But let’s just keep that between us, shall we?

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