Ya only turn 50 once, so might as well do it in style. That’s why, on Monday, February 3rd, I’ll be holding a little shindig for myself, Peter Brady style, at Fergie’s. Party starts at 6. Then at around 7 or so, our old pal Chip Chantry will kick off the Roast. I’ll be getting roasted by Chip, Fergie, Reef, Carl, Art Etchells, and Violations Greg. Admission is free, BUT I am asking everyone who attends to bring a blanket, box of diapers, bag of non-perishable food, OR package of socks for our friends at the Poor People’s Army, who will give them out to people in need. So come on out and help me celebrate my entrance into a new decade. I’d be lying if I said I was excited about it but screw it we might as well party. See ya at Fergie’s!