Just Watch the Damn World Series

Unless you’ve been locked in your basement for the past month (and knowing this crowd, that’s probably a lot of you**), you know the Phillies are in the World Series. And they’re playing those games at prime quizzo time. So we’re taking the week off…We’ll see ya back at all of your favorite haunts next week. Go Phils!

** I kid! I kid!



The 19th Annual (Sort of) Spooktacular!

We’ve been doing the annual Spooktacular, full of ghosts, goblins and gremlins, for quite a few years now. This week, with the Phillies going to the World Series, we’ll mix it up a bit, with a part horror/part World Series theme (but very few baseball questions). Make sense? No? That’s fine. It’ll be fun. Here’s the lineup.


Loco Pez 7 PM


Founding Fathers 8 PM


Dock Street 8 PM


Deli at Dwell 7 PM

Birra 8 PM

Quizzo This Week

A good week of quizzing last week. We get back at it this week with a few tweaks. Quizzo is cancelled on Tuesday at Founding Fathers, and Steve hosts at the Loco Pez ($6 margs! $6 nachos!) on Monday night. He’s also hosting a special Halloween quiz at Fette Sau on Wednesday. The rest of us will play the Halloween Spooktacular next week. Here’s our lineup:


Loco Pez (with Steve) 7 PM Cancelled until next week


Cancelled (Go Phils!)


Fette Sau Halloween Quiz (with Steve) 6:30 PM

Dock Street 8 PM


Deli at Dwell (with Taryn) 7 PM

Birra (with Carl) 8 PM