WHO: The teams who qualified for the 6th Annual JGTSI, the Ronnie Band, and I think my mom is also going to be there.
WHAT: The 6th Annual JGTSI Invitational.
WHEN: Sunday, August 16th at 5:30 p.m.
WHERE: Urban Saloon. 21st and Fairmount.
WHY: Why not?
WHAT’S THE DEAL? Teams have been duking it out for the past several months to earn a place at the table. And now they will do battle at the Urban Saloon to determine an ultimate Champion of Summer. 50 questions of trivia, live music between rounds, and $3 beers. Doesn’t get much better than that.
WAIT, YOU SAID THE 5TH ONE EARLIER, NOW YOU’RE SAYING THE 6TH ONE. WHAT’S THE DEAL? Wow, just realized we’ve been doing this craziness since 2010. Here are our previous winners:
2010: Steak Em Up
2011: Specific Jawns
2012: Popesack
2013: Popesack
2014: You Gotta Hand It to Blind Prostitutes
DID YOU SAY THERE WAS A BAND? Yep. there is a band, the Ronnie Band, who will be performing between rounds. You can listen to them here. They sound terrific. Gonna be a good show.
IS THERE A COVER? Yep. $10 a pop.
WHAT KIND OF PRIZES WE TALKING HERE? $200 worth of prizes for first, $100 for 2nd, and $50 for 3rd.
CAN I STILL EARN AN INVITE? Only with a win tonight. The good news is, boht venues are very winnable. Industry at 6:30 and Bards at 9:15.
SO WHO ALL IS GONNA BE AT THIS LITTLE SHINDIG? Here are the teams that have RSVPd “Yes” so far.
Jesters of Tortuga
Jitney Spears
Jesters of Tortuga
Swiss Navy
Synchronized Trampoline
There’s No I in Quizzo
In the Lead
From Parts Unknown
Game Blouses
Imaginary Pablo
Still Waiting to Hear From:
Savage Ear
Hooter and Chuff
LeBoff’s Moving In
Bleeding From…Wherever
Fruit of Your Choosing.
If you want to RSVP, just shoot me a line at johnny at johnnygoodtimes. com.
Gonna be a lot of fun on Sunday. Look forward to seeing you guys there!