This Week’s Scores and Pics



  1.  Swiss Navy 98
  2. Inkspot 94
  3. County Cook 86




  1. Jitney Spears 122
  2. In the Lead 116
  3. There’s No “I” in Quizzo 111



  1. Encyclopedophiles 119
  2. Savage Ear 102
  3. Don’t Fuck with the Jesus 94


  1.  Jesters of Tortuga 127
  2. Underground bard 106
  3. Ukraine in the Membrane 105




  1. Killer Clams 102
  2. Synchronized Trampoline 91
  3. Quaalude to a Kiss: The Bill Cosby Story 89





  1. Duane’s World 107
  2. Jitney Spears 99
  3. Founding Farters 86





  1. Popesack 105
  2. From Parts Unknown 101
  3. Exhausted Nihilists 88


  1. Sofa Kingdom 123
  2. Johnny Goodjobshowinupontimes 113
  3. CGA 95

Dude Hates Cancer Week Wraps Up Tonight; Over $1000 Raised So Far


In 6 quizzes we’ve raised over $1000 for The Dude Hates Cancer. Really honored to be part of such a giving community. So far O’Neals has been the most generous, with $200 raised. Can the Industry or Bards top them tonight?

We start at Industry at 6:30 p.m. We were rocking and rolling last week, let’s keep the party going this week as well. As always, terrific food and excellent craft beer specials. And probably our most winnable quiz, with a new team taking the title nearly every week.

On to Bards at 9:15 p.m. $3 Lagers and assorted nonsense.

The JGTSI venue has been confirmed…Urban Saloon on August 16th. More details coming soon.

Quizzo Tonight

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We keep it rolling at the Rendezvous at 6:15 p.m. On to Founding Fathers at 8:30 p.m. Great specials at both, and of course our vaunted 7th place prize at Founding Fathers.

Thus far this week, we’ve raised $665 for the Dude Hates Cancer. I’d love to cross the $1000 mark tonight. I’d expect a few questions loosely based on The Dude Hates Cancer. See ya tonight!

Quizzo Tonight!

We kick it off at O’Neals at 8 p.m. Not only are we fundraising for the Dude hates Cancer (we raised $365 at quizzo last night), you’ll also have a shot of winning an extra $50…Spoonie is offering an extra $50 to any team that cracks 110 points to win.

On to City Tap House at 10:15. Been a lot of fun there the past few weeks. Busier this summer than summers past. Hope to see ya tonight!

The Dude Hates Cancer Week Starts Tonight

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We’re doing our annual “Dude Hates Cancer Week” this week at quizzo. We will be selling restaurant raffle tickets, just like last year, and our wild card round will not be a Lebowski round, per se, but will be somehow influenced by that great film. $5 buys you one raffle ticket, $20 buys you 6 (and gets you a free pair of sunglasses). Most importantly, 100% of the proceeds raised go to a great cause, the Dude Hates Cancer, an annual bowling fundraiser inspired by the film. This year’s event will be on August 29th at South Bowl, and there are still some spots available.

Action starts tonight at North Star at 7 p.m. We move to Sidecar at 9:30. Hope to see you tonight!

Pics of This Week’s Winners



  1. Staff Infection 105
  2. Swiss Navy 105
  3. Inkspot 97



  1. Jitney Spears 113
  2. There’s No I in Quizzo 101
  3. In the Lead 92


  1. Savage Ear 118
  2. Encyclopedophiles 115
  3. Hooter and Chuff 98



  1. Lebron James Joyce 103
  2. Cloacal Kiss of Death 84
  3. Fruit of Your Choosing 82



  1. Synch Tramp 119
  2. You Can’t Sit With Us 115
  3. Crab Attack 107


  1. Must Love Pogs 127
  2. Duane’s World 127
  3. Riversharks 111



  1. Popesack 126
  2. Imaginary Pablo and the Goat 125
  3. Missing Heads 120



  1. Dumb and Dumberer 122
  2. CGA 117
  3. Yeah, But I’m Not McNabb Drunk

Double Points Night at Industry

Not only has there been more parity at Industry than anywhere else on the circuit (6 different winners in the past 6 weeks), but tonight I am offering double points in the JGTSI to any team that wins (as well as double points for 2nd and 3rd). It’s an incredible opportunity to get your team in the mix. Action starts at 6:30.

On to Bards at 9 p.m., where you’ll try to knock off the CGA, who have won 3 out of the past 4 weeks. See ya tonight!

Quizzo Tonight

We kick it off at the Vous at 6:15 p.m. Still a chance to get a seat. It’s not been empty lately, but it hasn’t been slammed either. Could be a good shot to get in. If you’re going to Founding Fathers at 8:30, get there early. It’s a friggin madhouse almost every week. Just nuts. See ya tonight!