Snow Day Sale at Shibe


We’re running several sales over at Shibe today for the snow day. So far we’re selling this women’s sweatshirt for an insanely low $25 and this Flyers winter cap for just $18. We’ll be throwing more sales up on our facebook page throughout the day, so be sure to tune in.

Also, as a JGT exclusive, to launch our new beer shirts, gonna sell you these Esslinger’s shirts for just $20. Just use the promotional code Quiz when you check out. Incredibly comfortable Next Level shirts. Esslinger’s Little Man was an advertising icon in Philly in the 1940s and 50s, and Esslinger’s was the first brewery in Philly to sell beer in cans.

Photo_Feb_21_11_59_31_AM_largeAs for things at the store, they’re going well. Be sure to swing by sometime to check out some of the really cool gear we’ve got. We’re at 137 South 13th Street, just south of Vintage Wine Bar (and Danny’s!). Closed today for snow, but I’ll be around tomorrow afternoon until about 3, so come on by.

Quizzo Moves to Founding Fathers Next Wednesday


It’s the end of an era at the Black Sheep, as the quizzo there this Wednesday (March 4th) will be my last one there. We’ll be moving South, to Founding Fathers (1612 South Street), where quizzo will take place at 8:30 on Wednesdays, starting on March 11th. Sad to say goodbye to our friends at the Black Sheep, but excited to start at a new venue. I think we’re gonna have a lot of fun at Founding Fathers, which is a large room and will give us some room to grow. We’ll have some beer and food specials for quizzo night, which I’ll let you know about over the next week. And yes, tomorrow night at Black Sheep, I’ll probably have a drink or two to celebrate the last quiz and say goodbye to some old friends. Hope to see ya there. If so, get there early. As usual over the past ten years, I expect it to be packed.

Big Money Tuesday

We kick it off at O’Neals at 8 p.m. If we can get 30 people in the building, any team that scores 110 points or more and wins gets a $100 gift certificate. On to City Tap House at 10:15, where we’ll have a return of free money faceoff. Plus winners walk with a $75 gift cert. And tonight’s questions are particularly millenial friendly. Yeah, I know you’ve got midterms, but college is all a big ponzi scheme anyway and no employer is ever going to give a shit about how you did on your midterms so blow them off and come play quizzo. See ya tonight!