1st Place: Team We Will Not Mention 110
2nd Place: Underground Bard 99
3rd Place: The Scrubs 96
*As terms of their probation, we will not mention their name on the website for the next three weeks
A great chance to take an early lead in the JGT Autumn Invitational tonight at Industry. Action starts at 6:30 and we will be done in time for the Eagles game. And I’m offering double points in the JGTAI to the top 3 finshers. It’s an all new quiz, and if you like science you do not want to miss it. Name That Tune for candy as well as French Fry Faceoff. $3 craft beers, great food. Gonna be a great quiz. See ya tonight!
Ok, ok I get it. You don’t want me screwing with the schedule. I guess trying to do it Wednesday at 10 p.m. was a mistake. So now we’re going to compound that mistake by trying to do it during the Eagles game.
“But Johnny, are you nuts?”
I think you know the answer to that. So yes, we’ll do the quiz at 9 p.m. Yes, there will be an enormous big screen TV behind me showing the game all through the quiz. Yes, you can drink $3 lagers, play quizzo and watch football. Yes, someone at the bar will probably tell me to “Shut that f***ing speaker up before I punch your face in.” So if you’re looking to drink beer and possibly see me get my ass kicked, here’s your chance.
For the first time ever, I’m gonna host two different quizzes in one night, giving you guys a chance to win two in one night. Here’s how it works…I’ll ask the earlier in the week quiz at Locust Rendezvous and Black Sheep. I will then ask a new quiz at Bards at 10 p.m. Any team that plays two quizzes tonight earns an automatic 3 bonus points in the JGTAI. If you win two quizzes, you will earn an automatic invite to the Invitational in November.
And good news…the Jesters of Tortuga will be nowhere to be seen tonight. So it’s wide open. We start at the Locust Rendezvous at 6:15 p.m. $2 Rolling Rocks and $3 Shocktop PumpkinWheat. On to Black Sheep at 8 p.m., then over to the Bards at 10 p.m. The Bards will have regular domestics for $3 and craft beers for $4. A great deal, as they’ve got some awesome stuff on draft. Gonna be a great quiz tonight. Hope your team can make it out…twice if you’re crazy. And we’ll have Name That Tune at all three bars. See ya tonight!
A few new twists on the Autumn Invitational. First of all, there will be a DOUBLE POINTS QUIZ each week. This week it will be at Industry. Team that wins there will get 10 points, 2nd place 6 points, and 3rd place 2 points, twice as much as the regular quiz.
There will also be a lot more opportunities to earn points outside of the regular quiz. I will have a QUESTION OF THE DAY each day on twitter and on facebook, Monday-Friday. First person to answer on facebook and on twitter (different question on each) earns their team 2 points. Just post your team name next to your answer.
Speaking of facebook and twitter, anyone who posts a tweet or a wall post on facebook about my quiz will earn their team a point, for up to 5 points per week. Or you can earn a point if you take a picture at one of my quizzes and post it on Instagram. Just use the hastag #JGTquizzo or you can use my handle @johnnygoodtimes and then talk about the quiz. You can talk about the questions. You can talk about how your team did. You can tell everyone that “The @johnnygoodtimes quizzo gave me a nasty rash”. I don’t care what you post. But if it has to do with the quizzo, you will earn your team a point.
The team that collects the most points, between physical challenges, questions of the day, and my shameless marketing ploy above will earn a BITCHIN’ prize at the Invitational. I haven’t decided on what it is yet, only that it’s BITCHIN’.
There are also a couple of special quizzes in the works. Any team that wins a special quiz (other than the Jesters of Tortuga, who are currently on probation) will automatically earn an invite to the Big Event in November. The first one is this Saturday at the Navy Yard.
Oh, and the first physical challenge and question of the day have been posted on facebook, and I’ve asked what what themes you guys wanna see for the next few weeks.
Very cool event coming up this Saturday at the Navy Yard. Gonna be hosting a quiz as part of the Philadelphia Horticultural Society’s annual Fall Festival. The quiz will focus on fall and plants, though we’ll use that theme quite loosely (questions about Pumpkin beers and Daisy Buchanan will quite likely find their way into the mix.)
It’s all part of a very fun festival going down at the Navy Yard starting at 11 a.m. and running all day with live music, cold beer, scarecrow contests, and more. Admission and parking are both free, and the 17 bus runs right to the spot. The team that wins will get automatic entry into the JGT Autumn Invitational in November. The day starts at 11, and the quizzo starts at 4:30 p.m. Hope to see ya down there!
First of all, want to thank everyone who came out to our Fringe show this past Saturday night. We had a really nice turnout (with tons of quizzo folks) and the feedback was overwhelmingly positive. Perhaps the best came from Jon K., who said, “I don’t know anything about baseball, but it really didn’t matter. That was a really fun show.”
Well, the good news is that even if you missed it the first time, we’re doing it again this Friday. Once again, it’s at the Adobe Cafe at 8 p.m. It’s a mere $10 and you can purchase tickets here or at the door.