Tonight: Your Last Chance to Earn an Invite for Sunday

Well here it is. It’s all or nothing. You’ve got two shots left to earn an invite to Sunday’s event (More details on the event coming soon, including our musical performer). Actually, you have three shots left. You can either win at Industry or Bards, or you can come up with the best team name. Which shouldn’t be hard. In case you missed it, I am giving away one Invite to the team that has the best team name this week. And nobody has come up with anything decent all week that I can recall off the top of my head. I’ll doublecheck them tomorrow, but so far so bad.

Your first shot to earn an invite is to win at Industry (6:30 p.m. Still no dominant team. And freaking excellent burgers for $8) At 9, we move to the Bards. $3 Lagers. Rumor is that the Jesters of Tortuga will not be there, so there is an excellent chance for you to get a win. There really has not been a solid 2nd place team, so it’s anybody’s ballgame. And of course a good team name at either spot just drastically improves your odds. The show is gonna be a lot of fun on Sunday. Your team should try to make it happen.

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