Final Springvitational Scores Posted

Here they are, folks, our scores at the conclusion of 9 weeks. Teams in the yellow are eligible for the bonus prize. Teams in green have earned an invite. I will contact you guys this weekend with your invites. Teams in orange are on the bubble…they have a very good chance of receiving an invite, since every time we do this a few teams can’t make it and other teams join forces. I’ll contact them once I’ve heard from the other teams. Teams in the blue, there is probably only one shot left to play in the Invitational and get to hear the legendary Kenn Kweder. You will have to finish in the Top 2 next week at one of the quizzes to earn a wild card birth. I’ll give you more info early next week.

Right Now in Sports

  • First off, Chip Chantry and the rest of the Bird Text fam dropped this little jewel (above) yesterday. Thought you might dig it.
  • I will be on WIP 94.1 tonight at 12:20 to discuss my column in the Philly Post.

Final Food and Drink Quiz Tonight

Your last chance to play the food and drink quiz is tonight. We start at the Ugly American at 8 p.m. Words with Friends With Benefits are making a name for themselves,  having won 3 weeks in a row. On to the Bards at 10:15 p.m. Steak Em Up is favored, but they’re not very good at food and drink, as evidenced in their big loss on Tuesday. This could be your best bet to upset them. Super cheap beers at both spots. Hope to see ya tonight!