Sex, Drugs and Rock’n’Roll Quiz All Week

SEXDRUGSROCKAs loathe as I am to give any praise to Mike Minion, I have to give credit where credit is due. His Sex Drugs and Rock n Roll Quiz last night was so much fun I’ve decided to steal his idea. It’s like when Edison stole all that stuff from Nikola Tesla, so Tesla responded by stealing the song “Signs” from Five Man Electrical Band. It’s a vicious cycle.

Where was I? Oh yes, all of this week’s questions will be about Sex, Drugs, and Rock ‘n’ Roll. Ok, and maybe a question or two on snow. We’re gonna have a lot of fun, and yes we are quizzing tonight, no matter how much it snows. We start at O’Neals at 8 p.m. Lots of parity, lots of snow, and $3.50 margaritas should make for a fun night, especially if you win the $50 gift certificate.

We move to City Tap House at 10:15 p.m., where the biggest prize in the city is situated. $100 GC for first place, and $50 GC for 2nd. Should be a full on blizzard by that point, and a great place to watch it out their enormous windows. Oh, and their $10 pizza and a beer deal is tough to beat, as are $3 Sly Foxes.

Mike Minion will be bringing his questions to Manyunk tonight at 8 PM: Debauchery Week continues starting at 8:00 PM at the corner of Terrace and Salignac in Manayunk.  Last night’s scores were pretty high, proving the quizzo crowd knows their vices.  I’m expecting more of the same, plus the Challenge Round is already starting with 40 “points” in the bank.  This is a fun topic, so come out and prove you’re a degenerate of the first rank by winning the quiz tonight.  Hope to see ya there!

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