Face Off for French Fries

frenchfry1-1Hard to make heads or tails of it, but on the normally slowest week of the year, we had two of our most insanely packed quizzos in months last night. Not sure if it was my promise of an easy quiz or the lure of the Face Off, but we were rocking last night. Hoping it continues tonight at Ugly American at 8 p.m. and Bards at 10:15. Of course, tonight we’ll have two face-offs, with one for the prize and the other one coming for french fries. All new quiz tonight, so feel free to play again. $2 Lagers at Ugly American, and 2 Jack Frost Big Boulder passes to give away tonight at Bards. And I’m not sure yet, but I’m feeling a mystery round potentially in the making. Hope to see ya tonight!

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