The Crowd Pleasers to Perform at JGTSI

crowdpleaseIt just gets better and better. The Crowd Pleasers, the house band at Bob and Barabara’s, are going to be rocking at the Urban Saloon on Sunday night between rounds. I am quite excited to have one of Philly’s premiere bands on the show. Sadly, Nate passed away a few years ago, but the Crowd Pleasers have continued his legacy of great, old time “whiskey drinkin’ music.” They are, quite simply, going to rock the house on Sunday.

Packed houses at both O’Neals and Bards last night, as teams are desperately trying to earn an invite. If you have 5 points or less, you are really going to put yourself in the drivers seat if you earn some physical challenge points. There are currently two possible physical challenges, and they can combined earn you a total of 7 points.

As I said yesterday, everybody is still alive. There are 4 more quizzes to go, and there are rumors that the Jams may be a man down tonight, meaning that they may be vulnerable. I see the Rendezvous as a spot you could seriously score some points. Teams that have already qualified, but the way, will get your official invitations tonight. Action starts at the Vous at 6:15 p.m. This week’s specials are pretty awesome. $3 Sly Fox Royal Weisse pints and $2 16-ounce Narragansett Lagers. Black Sheep kicks off at 8 p.m. And a word of warning: a very difficult Impossible round this week. Just a little heads up.

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