Phils Tix to Give Away at French Fry Thursday

frenchfryAs you may have noticed, I’ve already started posting pics of winners. That’s because I’m heading on vacation tomorrow to Maine and I don’t want to spend my vacation uploading photos of you nerds. More details to follow later, but now, just to give you a heads up, Mike Minion will be taking over some of my duties next week on Wednesday and Thursday, and Kristy B. will be taking over on Tuesday. Gonna be a good week of quizzo, so I hope you can make it out. I think it’s important that you play quizzo next week as long as, while you’re playing, you are keeping a mental image of me eating lobster. Because that’s what I am about to do nonstop for the next week. Holla!

But first, we are in action tonight. We kick it off at Ugly American at 8 p.m. We’ve had a lot of fun there lately with some nice crowds, and keep this in mind: the Phils are on TV tonight, and just like always at UA when the Phils play, hot dogs are $1. No, that is not a misprint. No they are not tiny corn dogs. They are good, hearty corn dogs and this may be the best food deal in town.

We move to the Bards, where the specials are none too shabby either. $2.50 Lagers is tough to beat. And what’s even tougher to beat is the fact that I’m giving away Phils tickets tonight at the Bards. Action starts at 10:15. Hope to see you there!

2 thoughts on “Phils Tix to Give Away at French Fry Thursday

  1. Just wanted to give some feedback: The 3rd round at UA last night (musical before & after) was hard like you warned, but it was also pretty awesome. There was a lot of groaning over some of the tougher ones, but I thought it was a good change of pace.

  2. Thanks for the feedback Justin. Yeah I love the concept of the round, but in the future, I will make it a little easier. In fact at Bards I played short clips from some of the songs.

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