Quizzo Tonight!

We’re back in action tonight, and yes, the Locust Rendezvous quiz is on Wednesday this week. Action starts there at 6:15 p.m. Truth be told, there’s good competition at the Vous right now but not that many teams, so you’ve got yourself a shot of scoring JGTSI points tonight. Furthermore, they’re offering Abita Purple Haze for a mere $3 a pint and Lager Light bottles for $2. At the Black Sheep, it’s been a packed house lately. If you’re playing tonight, I would highly suggest getting there early to get yourself a table. Oh, and one team took up my offer on facebook and scored two bonus points. But the offer is still on the table for another team. If you’re looking for points, this is a good way to earn them. I’ll have a new chance to earn points on facebook tomorrow morning.

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