Former Owner of the Khyber is a Terrorist

khyberHere’s one I somehow missed a few weeks ago. Turns out that one of the terrorists involved in the attacks on India last year, David Headley, was the son of the former owner of the Khyber Pass, now known as the Khyber. This bit in the New York Times is about Headley’s mother: She arrived back in Philadelphia, friends said, in the early 1970s, taking different office jobs and dating wealthy suitors until one of them lent her money to buy an old bar. She turned it into the Khyber Pass, decorated with billowing Afghan wedding tents and stocked with exotic beers…Ms. Headley tried to help her son straighten out his life. In 1985, she put him in charge of the Khyber Pass, but he proved to be such a poor manager that they lost the bar a couple of years later, friends of the family said.

I suppose there is no better time than now to tell you about Chip and my Christmas Show, the Chip Chantry Attack on Christmas. It will be at the Khyber this Monday at 8:00 p.m., as numerous comedians will be performing Christmas skits and videos for their shot at fabulous prizes, and we’ll be having an ugliest Christmas sweater competition as well. Finally, a fun Christmas show in a former terrorist breeding ground!

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